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《'°•~CHAPTER ONE~•°'》
The Capitol

FINNICK ODAIR AND I are escorted to the train by Peacekeepers, and to our odds, Valentina joins us.

The train begins to move, the images outside the windows quickly becoming blurry. We sit in blue velvet loveseats as Finnick finally greets me bluntly, "Emmeline."

I move my attention from the window to him. "Finnick," I say in the same monotone voice he used. I cross my legs in a sarcastic manner. "How are things?"

"Just lovely," he says. "Surprised to see you with dry eyes this year."

"Didn't think I'd be able to pull it off for a second time," I imply. "And it's not like the Capitol cares about my emotions."

"You got that right," he mumbles.

We sit in silence for a few more moments until I leave him alone to venture off to my room. Finnick and I didn't have many previous interactions before I was reaped five years ago. Even now, the only times we talked were when we had to; mentoring and occasionally seeing him in Victors Village or at the beach. We aren't friends.

I'm thinking now that maybe we should've been. We were two lone victors, living only fifty yards away from each other. But victors don't "befriend" each other. And even if I wanted to, it was too late now.

I spend the evening lying in the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in. Valentina calls me to dinner, but I don't go. The memories of my first Games had been flooding back to me, and I didn't like it at all.

I awake around midnight, the sky is dark, and my clothes scatter the floor. I find a pair of soft pants and a sweater and pull them over my nude body. I slide open the door of my room and exit to the common area.

To my surprise, Finnick sits comfortably with a bottle of liquor in his hand. He takes a sip before he notices me. He glances over but doesn't say anything.

I let myself sit next to him, our shoulders almost touching. I take the bottle with the copper liquor and take a sip. The liquid slides down my throat in an uncomfortable way.

"Never thought of you as a drinker," he says.

I laugh quietly. "I also never thought I'd be drinking with you, but here we are."

"So grumpy," he grimly smiles. He was always like this; a little arrogant, cocky. His personality didn't matter to me, though. We'd both be dead in a matter of a few weeks.

"For the parade tomorrow, I want us to be grumpy," I suggest, leaning my elbows on my knees. "Show them we're pissed off."

"I think that's for the stylist to decide," he says in defiance.

I tilt my head to one side. "You really give a shit what the stylists want?"

"Alright then," he leans back, taking another sip of the alcohol. "Your fiestiness has convinced me." The way he says it is only halfway sarcastic.

The next morning, we make it to the Capitol, and as we walk by the townspeople to the Training Center, Finnick Odair and I hold a lifeless expression to ignore they're upbeat cheers.

Each district stays on their own floor for our time in the Capitol. We stay on floor number four with our escort, stylists, and prep team. Instead of taking us to our floor, we're separated, and I'm quickly ushered away to get ready for the Tribute Parade.

They take me to a small room with cold metal walls. I'm ordered to remove my clothes and put on a hospital-like gown. After my prep team shaves every hair off my body and scrubs my skin raw, they leave and tell me my new stylist should be here soon.

I'm alone with my thoughts, my mind being filled with deja vu. It had been years since I had been here, but it feels like only yesterday I was crying in this same exact room, scared for what would happen next.

After waiting for what feels like forever, a lone woman enters. Ironically enough, she tells me her name is Lilac. Her name matches her gentle purple hair, which I notice is the only thing that separates her from district people and Capitol people. Other than her hair, she is normal. No crazy outfits and no bright makeup littering her face.

"I know you don't want to be here. Trust me, I don't either," she doesn't even have an accent. "Judging from your Games, you're most likely going to die in the arena."

I decide that I like her.

"I'm not going to let you die without making sure people remember you," she puts her hand on my thigh to comfort me despite her indelicate attitude. I surprise myself by holding her hand in return. "The Capitol finds you and Finnck Odair desirable; I know you've worked for them in the past."

I was hoping she wouldn't bring that up.

"I'm going to remind them that if you come out of that arena, dead or alive, they'll never be able to lay a finger on your body again."

"You want to make them jealous?" I finally speak.

"I want to make them regret ever thinking for even a second that they could use someone as strong as you." First, she's telling me I'm going to die, and now she's saying I'm strong? This woman is confusing, but God, I love her already.

After a few hours of strangers applying heavy amounts of makeup to my face, Lilac finally puts on my outfit. She doesn't let me open my eyes until I'm completely dressed. "I was thinking sexy for tonight, and sweet and pretty for the interviews."

I open my eyes to look and the mirror, and I'm completely unrecognizable in these clothes. The dress is completely see-through, with little holes all over it to resemble a yellowish gold fishing net for District Four's theme. Underneath that, my black undergarments are revealed, barely even covering my cleavage.

"Wow," is all I can say.

Lilac comes behind me and clips on a necklace with a shark tooth dangling from it. "You don't have to like it, but I have to have some representation for your district."

"I know, thank you," I whisper.

"Don't thank me," she kisses me on the cheek. "You don't thank anyone for the preparation of your death."

Chapter One- 1081 words


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