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《'°•~Chapter Fifteen ~•°'》

The hospital room is crowded as the nurse shouts, "She's flat lining!"

Finnick Odair lets out a babyish cry as he watches the life leave the girl's body. The doctor comes back to the bed with some sort of tools on her hands, and she quickly rubs them together and presses them to Emmeline's chest.

Emmeline's back arches off of the bed for a split second but quickly crashes back down to the mattress. This routine repeats three times until the girl's breath has entered her body.

I immediately take a huge breath for air and sit up. Sighs of relief fill the room, and I see my not dead brother again, but this time, I dont faint. He makes his way to me, and we hug for the first time in almost ten years.

"Holy shit!" I quickly pull away from him due to a severe pain in my chest. I put my hand to where the pain is, and it feels like some sort of burn.

"We had to perform electric shock therapy on you," the doctor informs me. "Your chest will be hurting for a few days."

"Electric shock therapy?" I ask, having no idea what that is. It sounds bad by the way it's called, as well as the excruciating pain I'm experiencing.

"Miss, you had a siezure, and your heart stopped for almost two minutes," the doctor says to me with a concerned look on her face. "We basically had to electrocute you back to life."

"I thought I had just passed out." There's a few laughs shared around the room at my ignorance. Most of the people leave, except August and Finnick.

"Emmeline -" August says, but I cut him off. He looks almost the exact same - the same mousy red hair and freckles that littered his face. The only difference now was that he wasn't a boy anymore. He was a grown man.

"How the hell are you even alive?" I ask him in disbelief.

"I was taken by the Capitol," he tells me. "About a year after working for Snow, 13 rescued me. I've been here for about five years." This is all so shocking, I could have another seizure. After all these years, my brother just happened to be living in District 13?

"What about dad?" I ask quietly.

August shakes my head. "I have a fiancee and a baby. He'll be a month old in a few days, on the same day that Eliza and I will be getting married."

A baby? My brother has a goddamn baby? My gaze softens as he tells me this. "What's his name?"

"Emerson. We call him 'Em' for short."

I bring my hand to my mouth, and I even cry a little. My brother was an adult now, and he had an actual family. After years of grieving his death, I was so happy to realize that he was never dead but thriving here. "That's really great, August."

I'm relieved when Finnick leaves the room. "He cried the whole time you were gone. Could barely focus on any topic that wasn't you," he whispers to me. "I suggest you talk to him."

I roll my eyes. It had felt like I had never lost him, for our conversation was so casual. The nurse tells me I'll be cleared to go tomorrow, but for now, I need to stay here and rest. I lay awake for several hours, staring at the ceiling with bubbling excitement.

My brother is alive. I am alive.

I find myself happy Finnick is alive. I push that thought away and roll over onto my side. I find it hard to believe that he "cried" the whole time I was gone. I had never seen Finnick cry until yesterday, and that wasn't even full-on.

L O C K E D- Finnick Odair Where stories live. Discover now