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                   《'°•~Chapter Nine~•°'》                 Just Our Luck

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《'°•~Chapter Nine~•°'》
Just Our Luck

"RUN! THE FOG is poison!" Katniss shouts after we make the stupid decision of touching the white cloud. My finger becomes blistered immediately, the pain making me shriek.

"Finnick!" I shout, helping him up. "We have to run, now!"

His eyes dart from my injured hand to the fog only several feet away. He grabs the trident and scrambles to his feet, and all four of us begin to dart down the hill.

Katniss and Peeta lead the way, but in a matter of seconds, the fog comes in between us and causes Finnick and I to split off from them. We continue to run, the poisonous air catching up with us. I trip on a rock and stumble to the ground. "Emmeline!" Finnick shouts, trying to lift me off the ground. As he's pulling me to my feet, the fog almost swallows us, sending a bellowing scream through the woods.

My arm drapes over Finnick's shoulder as we run through the jungle. Katniss tries to hold Peeta up, but his body weight is too much for her. The four of us reunited, but the fog has caught up to us, causing all of us to tumble down a cliff covered in tropical plants and mud.

Once we're at the bottom, we all lay there, the only sounds being our heavy breathing. The fog quietly creeps down the cliff, only inches from my feet. Just as I'm about to accept my death, the cloudiness starts floating straight up, being blocked by a forcefield. I let my head fall back to the ground.

Katniss talks indistinctly, and I hear screams of pain. My body is too weak to stand or do anything, so I only lay there like a helpless child.

Moments later, I can feel my weight being lifted off the ground and into a pond of cold water. It stings at first so bad that I yelp.

"Shh. It'll be over soon," I hear Finnick's voice murmur as he massages my blisters with the water. I sit in between his legs limply as he runs his hands over the other blisters, the stinging being followed by relief.

Even after he's done, I still sit there almost lifeless, my head resting against his chest. Katniss sits next to us for a few minutes before Finnick and I notice something in the trees.

Katniss turns to see what we're looking at, and she pulls an arrow out as she realizes we're being watched by some sort of monkey. But not any monkey, a mutt. And there's several of them.

Finnick helps me stand up and picks his trident up, out of the water. I'm snapped out of my drowsy state, and I'm fully alert as more of the mutts surround us.

"Peeta?" Katniss calls for him.

"Yeah?" He says cluelessly but quickly notices the mutts a second before one roars in his face.

"Walk over here slowly," Katniss says. I find my spear calmly, trying not to make the animals mad, but to our luck, more of them begin making noise. Peeta approaches us, machete in hand. We all examine the monkeys as more and more of them appear, trapping us.

"We have to get to the beach," I whisper, but it's too late. The creaturs block our exits, roaring nastily at us.

Katniss loads an arrow, and before we know it, the mutts are jumping at us from every angle. Finnick swiftly swings his trident to wound them, and Peeta is pounced on by one, but he quickly slashes it.

As one charges at me, I skewer my spear through the mutts heart, it letting out a final cry before it falls into the water. Katniss wrestles with one, and before it can hurt her too bad, I stab it and help her up.

"Come on!" I shout, forcing her to run. Finnick and Peeta follow quickly behind, but the mutts are gaining on us. We all stumble over a loose root of a tree, and one of them attempts to bite me but fails as I continuously kick it in the face.

Finnick kills it with the trident, and my attention is drawn to Peeta. It all happens so fast: him being cornered by mutts, an unrecognizable tribute jumping in front of him and getting bit in the neck. Peeta stabs the monkey, but it's too late. The woman's neck squirts blood in all directions.

Protect Katniss and Peeta. She must be a part of it.

"Who is that?" Katniss asks as the woman gasps for air.

"A morphling, help me get her!" Peeta shouts. The three of us pick up the tribute and run as Finnick holds off the mutts. We outrun them to the beach, pulling the girl into the water as she stares death in the face.

Finnick tumbles onto the sand shortly after us, threatening the mutts with his trident. They eventually give up and go back into the jungle.

Peeta holds the morphling in his arms as she wheezes and struggles to breathe. "It's okay," he comforts her as the life leaves her body. "Hey, look up. Look at all those colors. It's incredible, right?"

I look up at the orange and pink sky, the clouds looking like a painting. The tribute admires it in the few moments before the wheezing stops. The three of us sit there silently for a few minutes, and I see a tear falls from Peeta's eye. The hovercraft comes and scoops up the body, leaving us trying to process what the hell just happened.

She sacrificed herself for him.

The rebellion can't happen without Katniss and Peeta.

Chapter 9- 944 words


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