Chapter Fourteen

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Not willing to waste another second, I picked up my skirts and hastened to the garden. Of course, Katherine trailed after me, but she understood her role. She would never get in the way. Birds chirped, a summery song that made my spirit soar. The scent of roses brought life to me after being entombed in a suffocating room for Mary's wedding preparations. If anyone needed to be outside and flirting with young men, it was her. Soon she would be trapped in marriage forever. Even if she found happiness with the young duke, which I doubted, there was so much she would never experience. But that was something she would have to learn for herself.

I wasn't the only one taking advantage of the exquisite day. Other maidens had abandoned their responsibilities to flirt with knights. I almost worried that I would come across Coucy with a beautiful distraction. Someone far less complicated than a princess. But my fears were for nothing. I found Coucy playing with a dog, a look of joy on his face that made me fight a smile. He had been somber since coming to court, and I couldn't blame him. Far from his home, surrounded by enemies. It was wonderful to see him in a moment of peace.

"How now, my lord?" I tilted my head in an inviting way that never failed to get attention. "You seem to be enjoying this day. Is that Thomas' dog?"

Thomas was far too young, but Edward just had to give him a dog as a gift. I knew it would fall on others to take care of the animal, but Edward was sure he was right about everything. It was going to be such a merry time when he was finally king.

Coucy looked up at me with a grin, resembling a carefree young man instead of a stuffy nobleman or a solemn hostage. "This dog is a rascal. He belongs to your brother, yes. He reminds me of the one I left behind."

Though he showed no sadness, my heart clenched at the reminder of what he had to give up. "You're helping Thomas with the dog?"

"It's more merry for me than a chore." Coucy stood up. "I was hoping to see you today, my lady."

I arched an eyebrow. "Were you?"

He gave a serious nod. "That's why I told the Countess of Kent exactly where I would be."

Laughter escaped before I could stop myself. "I was going to the garden anyway, my lord," I said, after I calmed down. "I needed some air. It's been hours of helping my sister with her wedding preparations. You will be attending?"

I already knew he would attend. Mary's wedding would be an event. Perhaps not as grand as John and Blanche's wedding, but there would be a lot of attention for this celebration. Everyone would want to see the princess who would get married.

"Of course," he said. "Another great victory for the king. His daughter becomes the Duchess of Brittany. His influence grows on the region."

I stiffened. "That is a very political way of looking at it, my lord."

I had no idea why I sought him out when he always found a way to vex me. He was sweet and kind, but brought shadows with him.

"Wait, my lady." He jogged around before I could walk away, the dog bounding after him. "I did not mean to offend you. I've been wanting to speak with you."

"But..." Something was off about what he said and then it struck me like an arrow taking down a deer. "That was English."

At least it sounded like English. It was better than I expected after being here for such little time.

"Thanks to you, my lady," he said, though went back to French. "I've done my best to learn. You found a wonderful tutor. I am beginning to understand this language, but I do not believe any great poetry will ever be written in it."

"Don't tell that to one of my brother's men," I said in a warning tone. "A fellow named Chaucer. I've heard him talk about writing poetry when he has the chance."

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