Chapter Fifteen

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Mary's wedding was as grand as she could have wanted. Attended by the great nobles in the land, although half of them were our siblings, all attention was on her. Swathed in gold and ermine, she looked like a delicate faerie princess. A little too delicate for my liking. She broke into a fit of coughing during the ceremony that made me cross myself. I wasn't the superstitious sort, but that seemed like an inauspicious sign. Sent away as a bride, only to be buried far from home.

I tried to push away the morbid thought, but it was hard to distract myself during the wedding. While my sister was dignified and regal, her groom was young and awkward. It would probably be years before it was a proper marriage. For all Mary crowed about being a duchess, I felt bad for her. A wife with no real husband. Though hopefully this would give her independence from our parents.

There were a few looks in my direction. I liked to imagine they were disappointed Mary hadn't followed in my scandalous footsteps. If I were to be honest with myself, they were probably feeling sorry for me. The spinster princess who had to watch her little sister go on to glory.

I was more than ready for the wedding to be over and move on to the feast. Joan came with me, serving as my companion. It was the perfect excuse for her to be there while the royal family was gathered. Dressed in sapphire blue, Edward couldn't take his eyes off of her. With her jewels and bright smile, no one would guess she was a recent widow. It was a striking contrast to my sister-in-law Blanche, who still dressed in mourning for her parents. She kept her shoulders straight and showed a smile to everyone. In that way, she reminded me of Joan. No one would ever know what she really thought.

When I greeted Mary, instead of showing her the honor a duchess deserved, I hugged her. She squirmed, but couldn't put up much of a stink about it while everyone was looking at her.

"Really, Isabella, can't you show me respect?" she snapped under her breath.

"None at all," I said so brightly that Blanche let out a muffled laugh.

Mary let out a huff, but had to greet someone else. I tilted my head as I was seated, bothered by her lethargy.

"Does Mary look a bit pale to you?" I whispered to Blanche.

She examined my sister. "It's an exhausting day. She's still young."

That was probably it. The matter still gnawed at me as I tried to force down the overcooked meat. Blanche didn't even bother to try, even as John kept trying to give her the best pieces.

"Pray give her some peace," I said with a glare. "Unless you want her to get sick on our sister Mary's day. I can barely keep this down and I'm not with child."

John bristled at my indelicate truth, but Blanche gave him a discreet poke. "Bella speaks sense. We don't want to ruin the day for Mary."

John rolled his eyes. "I'm surprised she doesn't want to ruin the day for her. Bella can't stand when the whole world isn't paying attention to her."

I tossed my head, aware that quite a few knights were staring at me instead of the bride. "I can be gracious and stand back a day for Mary."

It mattered more to me that one young man was watching me. I wished I could once again be a rebel to convention and sit with him, but this was not the day to get the court talking. Not only because Mary deserved her celebration, and I didn't want to ruin it for her. Something else would happen that night now that the right people were gathered in the place. Everyone had to be careful.

"You're a good sister," Blanche said with a wry smile.

"At least Mary is doing something for the kingdom," John said in that insufferable way that was costing him friendships.

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