Arc 2: Noble City V: Malice at the Palace

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy A Dragon

Noble City V: Malice at the Palace

"When does a nightmare appear? If you were to ask me, it could come any time, any place, and sometimes right in front if you don't stay alert, in a beautiful palace such as this, there is no guarantee that everyone is going to be safe."

Excerpt from New World Journal

It felt like an eternity walking along the empty and silent halls.

His footsteps were the only noise that echoed and walking passed each window that displayed the rays of the sun.

He decided that going after this alone was a good idea. He had the easy task of looking for a specific redhead that he had seen earlier at the gathering. He could simply ask any official palace staff member or maid about this, but after searching the halls, he found not even one.

Not a single soul greeted him.

"Alright, this is taking me nowhere, and practically I am lost." Yuji told himself" But don't let yourself get anxious, you'll eventually find your way out of here or someone will find me." He sighed, thinking of any solutions to his current situation.

Besides, not having his own walkie to contact the others, his only answer was to continue walking...So he did.

Some minutes passed and he was still in the same empty hallways.

"Maybe this was a bad idea." He groaned, showing signs of regret.

He continued on his way and entered the next corridor. It was different this time. Aside from the massive glass windows, the area was decorated with several artistic massive vases and grand statues. Could there be a single soul around here who could assist him?

Yuji took more observations and steps and he finally saw something that the other hallways did not have.

A simple wooden door.

For some reason, He couldn't move forward as his attention was shifting and curiosity was taking over. He took a brief examination of the door and his eyes were glued to a small signage just beside it.

He couldn't decipher those words yet there was a part of him that encouraged him to check on the door. He ultimately followed that side of him and grabbed the knob, which was surprisingly unlocked.

He carefully opened it, and something bizarre confronted him.

The room was some kind of quarters. Not for the servants or the maids but for the palace guards.

However, he raised an eyebrow when he noticed a group of female servants gathered in one area, their hearts pounding as they cowered from whatever was transpiring right now. The man didn't know what to do at first but quickly decided to approach them to find out the truth, but he was stopped by one of the servants, who subtly raised a hand and pointed in the opposite direction.

His eyes widened in horror as he noticed many of the guards convulsing and twisting as if some evil entity had possessed them. Some were clutching their throats as if they had just had a bad drink, which they had. Further investigation revealed a number of chalices on the floor with a red substance splattered all over them.

"No kidding." He muttered to himself.

Sensing the danger in the situation, Yuji immediately but gently closed the door to the little dining area, he then turned towards the servants and gestured for them to stand up and get them to leave the room as soon as possible. At first, they hesitated and even refused to move since all of them were forcibly brought here and threatened to be killed if they tried to escape. Yet, the loud crashes from behind the certain door had their panics set in.

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