Arc 2: Noble City IX: The Last Hour Part 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy A Dragon

Noble City IX: The Last Hour Part 2

"Everyone has a bad past, it's the reality of life even in another world. It only takes a matter of courage to confront them and it only takes the right attitude to handle them." -New World Journal

Standing in front of them was one of the things that she had always disliked ever since that certain incident.

The meeting area was vast as she could recall. It was one of the most important places in the Northern regions, especially for the various dragon communities as for the first time in years, the heads of the noble dragon clans of Rodenius had gathered for a special yet urgent occasion.

The latest report regarding the current condition of the Flame Dragon had arrived and there was finally a confirmation of some sort.

The Temple of Dagahara was alive once more, located in a specific spot where the clouds were below and the sun was above, giving it the illusion of being in the heavens itself.

Giselle stood in the middle of the circular space surrounded by various representatives of the clans, and the light of the sun shone in that very spot, revealing that she had everyone's attention.

"So is it true then? The flame dragon is controlled by magic.."

Giselle gave a slightly annoyed expression.

How many times she had to repeat the same thing that these very people had not believed her before?

"Not just any magic but illegal dark magic." She nodded." I know it may sound ridiculous but that is the truth." She then continued.

However, one of the heads of the clans objected.

"How could you say that she was being controlled against her will?" He argued." She left her duty because her offspring had disappeared for mysterious reasons and every mother would go to that lengths just to find their child."

There was a point, yet the apostle fired back.

"She left her duty without even notifying all of you." She said, as calmly as possible." Does that even ring a bell that is something wrong might happen?"

Silence came forward for a brief moment.

Amongst all people, she was the one to pick up the chore of investigating it.

"Let me ask this, did anyone one of you task your underlings to find out the truth?" She told them.

At least one of the dragon nobles nodded.

"What happened next? Did they come back with any news?"

Silence once more.

"Believe it or not, I gave my best to erase that dark magic but sadly the influence was too powerful and we might need to cooperate with at least the humans and if of them to solve this once and for all."

"I apologize cooperating with the humans is an impossible task considering that they are in their conflict right now." A head of the Dezu Dragon Clan then said." It's been part of our sacred oath not to-"

"That sacred oath happens to be the same thing that the Gods of this world had done for thousands of years." The apostle said.

"Why won't you all do something just this once!"

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