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Zanders Pov :
Seeing the tears in celests eyes almost broke my heart . But it also was a sign that we were one step closer to gaining her trust .

"Ok everyone please leave i need to clean her up " the nurse informed us . Aaron and the twins were hesitant on leaving her alone but I had the whole hospital shut down and there were atleast 40 guards on, each floor so it's safe to say even a ant cant pass through without my permission.

Elijah has a big chain of hospitals and luckily one of them was in the same city where we found Celestine so it was pretty easy to shut it down and provide the best doctors for celest .

"Elijah we got back her diagnosis" one of the doctors in charge of celest informed Elijah .

"We already know about her concussion and the broken ribs the nurse informed us earlier ." Elijah said .
"I need all of you to take a seat cuz there is more to it "
''what did u find" i asked him. I was pissed why I was not informed about it earlier.

"We found traces of someone forcing onto her"
I couldn't fucking believe what he just said . "What do you mean" Reo asked his voice barely audible,he knew pretty well what the doctor meant .

"I am sorry to inform this but she was raped before you bought her in " that's all he said before hell lose broke . I smashed my first into the nearest thing i could find which happened to be a wall .

Aaron simply walked off clearly not able to digest what he just heard . "This might affect her mental health severely , you have to make sure not to trigger her in anyway cuz that might lead to a panic attack like the one she had when she woke up" he then simply walked off after ripping our worlds apart .

I completely failed to protect celest. If only i did the one job i promised mom and dad to do , protect celest until my last breath and keep her away from any kind of pain . I failed them i failed her .

I fell too my knees too numb to feel anything. "Get up , i said get the fuck up . You can't fucking break down now " Elijah was the calm one , i have never heard him raise his voice ever before . "We all are barely hanging on if u break down who is going to be there for celest when she needs us . We all have to stay strong for her " Elijah said almost on the verge of tears .

He was right i had to stay strong for my siblings . The twins were still too young to handle everything and looked upto me , if I didn't stay strong for them who will they look upto .

"I will kill that bastard once i find him" i said in a deathly tone. I turned my emotions to focus on the anger rather than the pain . "We all will " Leo said and I nodded when i saw the determination in his eyes .

"Call Aaron tell him we will leave in a few hours " that's all I said before I went inside celests room to check in on her .

Celest's Pov :
"Could you please sit up for me " the nurse said politely while smiling warmly at me . She was an old lady in her mid 60s .

I obliged to what she said and sat up . My head immediately felt dizzy but I paid no attention to it . The lady started removing my hospital gown which suprised me . I quickly swatted her hands away covered up my shoulders.

"I am just giving you a quick sponge bath , you are still covered in blood sweetheart." I nodded and smiled politely. I wrote down on the file still lying on my lap "thank you but I don't like people touching me i can do it by myself" she understood and gave me a warm smile .

She gave me the sponge and closed up the curtains around the bed and told me to call for her if i needed any help .
I quickly cleaned myself up as i could still feel the lingering hands of mourad on me . I rubbed so hard that my skin became raw and red but I paid it no attention .

I just needed to stop feeling his hands all over my body .
I got frustrated and started crying as I felt useless . I let Mourad touch me again . I know it wasn't my fault but the voices were saying the opposite. "You could have said no but you didn't . You wanted it . You are just an attention seeker look at you now crying . You asked for it celest you deserved it ."

I just needed them to stop . I haven't heard them in over 2 years but now they are back to annoy me . "Sweety are u ok I heard you crying" i barely heard her voice before someone covered me with a blanket .

"Celestine calm down , you are ok " i think that was zander speaking i am not sure my vision was blurry with tears . He held my hands and squeezed them tightly. I let him hold it as it felt like the most natural thing . "When you were 4 whenever you would wake up from a nightmare sobbing you would run upto my room and ask me to hold u until u fell asleep. I would always act annoyed but everyday I would keep my door open for you" i focused on his voice instead of the voices and calmed down .
"Are you trying to say I was always a pussy" i wrote down .
"Language" that made me giggle and I saw a small smirk on his face like he was pleased with making me laugh . "I meant I am always here for you after your nightmare , i am here to help you now " i still wasn't sure about his intentions but I gave him a nod and a squeeze to his hands which were still holding mine .

"I have a few things to ask you " he said very calmly like one wrong thing could make me cry again . I gave him a tight smile and moved my hands to let him know he could continue.
" it was Mourad who hurt you" his questions always sounded like a statement . I nodded my head .
He cursed under his breath which was barely audible but pretty obvious he was pissed .

"Did he try to do anything else " i shaked my head continuously. I didn't know why I lied but i refuse to admit it to anyone. What if zander thinks it was my fault . I don't really care what he thinks but I would rather not let him know .

He nodded but he looked like he didn't believe me . "How many people were there in That house " i wrote down "i was in the basement for about 6 months so i am not sure how many men were there but in total only 8 people came down to the basement , all of mourads close friends" i hated every single one of them . There were 12 men in total who have left more scars in my body than I can count . At the age of 12 i vowed to kill every single one of them in the same ways they had hurt me . After I ran away at 13 I was able to kill 4 of them in those 2 years . The 8 remaining made sure to pay me a special visit every day when i was recaptured .

He simply nodded and asked me one last question. "They all hurt you ? " "Since I was 5 " i responded and he quickly nodded and gave my hand a quick squeeze . "We will be leaving soon , the doctors will check on you one last time before we leave " he said and stood up from the chair he was sitting on beside my bed which i didn't even see he pulled over from the other corner .

"Where to ?" I questioned "Home " that's all he said while smiling a bit before turning away and calling Elijah to check up on me .
Home ? Like i am supposed to know what that means .

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