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Celest's Pov :
My heart started racing not because I was scared fuck noo because this was the most exciting thing happening to me in quite some time . But fuck I cant do anything, in my brothers eyes i am just a 15 year old abused girl .

"Celest are you ok " zander asked me when our car swerved because of the people shooting us from behind . I nodded and gave him a thumbs up . The other 2 cars with our security were pushed down the cliff we were on so it was just us and the three cars chasing us. "Leo the guns are under your seat you cover the right side and Dareo you cover the left " zander said when there was no other option but for us to protect ourselves .

I gave him the best scared expression i could muster to keep my act up . "The guns are just for protection " he said like it would explain anything. He didn't explain why there were people chasing us and literally shooting at us .

Reo tried to shoot the car beside him but his aim sucked . He didn't seem that acquainted to holding a gun . He was aiming for the wheels of the car but what he didn't see was they were made up of bullet resistance material.

"Reo don't aim for the wheels they are impenetrable " Leo said frustrated. He was trying his best to shoot continuously at one spot on the front side if the car so that the pressure would break of the glass .

"Where the fuck do I aim then fuck they are getting closer"a second after that i heard a gun shot way near us and when i turned behind to look at Dareo as the sound came from his side I saw the blood on his shoulders. He was shot . He was putting pressure on his wound to stop it from bleeding but it was pretty obvious he was incapable of holding a gun now .

"Fuck Zander reo is shot " i have never seen Leo worried but he was clearly more than just worried for his brother. "I am fine i can still shoot " Dareo tried to defend himself but he sounded like he was in alot of pain . "Dareo sit still or you will bleed out " zander said with no room for argument .

Zander increased the speed of the car but the three cars were able to catch up with us in no time . Leo was successfully able to break the glass of one car and shoot the driver directly between his head . One thing that was clear was Leo was trained , if he was able to shoot a guy between his eyes while in a vehicle moving at 260 mph imagine what he could do standing still.

"Zander there are more cars coming up they are going to surround us " Leo yelled after successfully shooting down the remaing two cars behind us . "Aaron and Elijah are just 5 minutes away from us , they have all of our people heading towards us " zander said after he saw Elijah's message on the car screen "well there is no point of them coming if we are all dead " Leo countered .

There was a tense silence filled in the car because the cars following us had stopped shooting and were at a distance from us . Zander tried his best at remaining calm but it was obvious he was worried with the amount of times he was telling me we were going to be okay.

"Umm guys I am pretty sure a guy with one of those big guns used in movies to blast a car is aiming at us " Dareo said while trying to look calm but i could see the increase in his breathing i am not sure because of excess blood loss or because he was simply loosing his cool .

"What are you talking abou-" zander said and turned to look . "Oh shit" he said . Great now we are doomed .
"He is going to shoot any time now" Dareo said and started laughing. Ok i had to do something before my brother lost his mind .

Fuck trying to keep things from them , i rather let them know I am not a naive little girl than die a pathetic death in a car crash . I bent down and tried to feel if there were any guns present under my seat . Thankfully i could feel a small gun . I quickly took it out and rolled down my window . "Celest what are you doing " zander screamed and tried to stop me from rolling down my window but before he could i fired my shot.

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