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Celest's pov :
My eyes felt really heavy while i tried opening them . I squinted because of the harsh light coming into my eyes . I saw a hand shielding the light from my eyes creating a shadow .

I woke up soon enough to see Zander was sitting beside me . "morning principessa " he said . I gave him a small smile and sat upright. I noticed he was already in his suit .

"You know celest we have to talk about it now " talk about what. I guess confusion was evident on my face so he continued "Leo is a skilled sniper and considering your aim was better than him makes me think you are hiding things from us"

I took the phone from his hands and typed in "i am not hiding anything I just like to keep things to myself" he rolled his eyes at me . "Some people might consider that to be hiding things" he said with a amuzed look on his face .

I huffed and snatched the phone from his hands "well let's just say it's in our genes to hide stuff " i said . "What do you mean " zander asked with a look that said he was busted . "Do you really think I am that dumb to believe that you just have a construction business well news flash no one cares enough to attack the owner of a construction business and definitely not chase them and try to kill him " i typed in angrily.

He went all quiet not knowing how to respond to my accusations. "Okay so it seems like we both have been trying to keep things from each other so let's come clean how about that ."
He said In a matter of fact way . I just looked at him dumbfounded. Is he seriously suggesting i come clean to the person who has done nothing but hide stuff from me , well the fuck not .

"Fine what do you want to know " he asked after seeing my disinterest In telling him anything. "Lets start with the fact that you just admitted Leo is a skilled sniper now why is that " he probably didnt even notice when that information slipped his mouth . He sighed but nonetheless started talking . "Lets start from the beginning then cuz moving forward I don't want any more lies between us " he paused I realised he was waiting for my answer . "alright alright no more lies go on then " alright that was a lie. If it took him this long to tell me everything who knows if he might still be hiding more things. Call me a hypocrite but there is no way in hell I am telling him everything .

"Alright so something tells me because of your errands you must be aware about the existence of different mafias ." I nodded and he continued "our father was the head of the baroni clan or in other words he was the boss of the whole underworld of Europe after his death I took over and I mange all the other mafia business of Europe no one can leave or enter without my permission the threads of influence weave through every corner of Europe and I've been pulling them all along . Power , control , chaos its all in my hands . " a heavy silence settled as I took a deep breath . My brother truly looked most at peace when he talked about his power and strangely it wasn't scary . In more ways than others he is a lot like Kaz. They both thrived the most while talking about the power they held .

"Is that why aunt silver kidnapped me because she was jealous she couldn't marry dad and become the mafia queen " I asked zander while trying to recall everything silver told me before she died . "one of the reasons yes " there was definitely more to it than that and clearly zander wasn't going to tell me now so I won't pester him either , I will just try my best to get as much information I can get out of him .

"ok now its your turn " zander said and looked ready to unravel all my secrets , well one thing he might not know is that I can hold my silences more than I can hold onto anything else . He will never know more than I give him . I nodded and he asked "so you ran away from mourad when you were 13 and lived for 2 years until you were recaptured " I nodded and motioned him to continue "so where were you those 2 years and specifically who were you doing these errands for " alright straight to the point . Well Kaz is still alive and I am sure he is searching for me so I am not sure if i can reveal everything but I can sum it up . If there is ever a time when I have to run away from them I still have Kaz to run to so there is no way I am revealing shit about him .

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