|| TWENTY ||

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I woke up to rumbling from outside and sensing chaos from downstairs. My head was pounding like 5 elephants sitting on it. I groaned as i sat up holding my forehead. Five was fast asleep next to me with his mouth wide open. I crawled out of bed and changed into a grey elegant top and black flowy bottoms i stole from Sloane. I fixed my messy hair and struggled to stay awake as i washed my face.

"get up dingus" i threw a pillow at Five who was sleeping like a baby. He groaned, going back to his peaceful sleep. I sighed before throwing two more pillows at him, this time at his face.

"Okay! I'm up, crazy woman" He said as he sat up , immediately resting his head again from the hangover. "oh god" he groaned, putting his hand up to his head. "yeah, me too. Now let's go" i pointed to the door. He sighed before getting up and getting dressed.

Me and Five walked shoulder to shoulder down the hallway, already hearing the commotion downstairs coming from the family. "it's 8 am and their already stirring up drama" I shook my head, Five laughed "we should get used to it" he added.  We continued walking until we were met with Allison, who was smiling brightly. "hey guys" she said with her hands interlocked with one another. "hi?" Five said, confused. "I just wanted to come up and say , im sorry." She said softly. I furrowed my brows awkwardly, "for what?" i asked. "For being a douche to everyone these past couple of days" She explained. I looked at Five who had the same expression as me. Something was weird, something was suspicious. "it's fine, don't worry" i smiled slightly. She smiled "thank you". She then started to walk away before coming back, "oh! yeah, dad called a meeting at noon today. You guys should come?" Me and Five looked at each other extremely confused and slightly worried. "sure. we'll be there" Five narrowed his eyes. Allison smiled then walked away.  "the hell was that about?" he asked quietly, i shrugged.

Me and Five sat at the edge of the world, drinking some white wine. "have you ever gotten tired of the taste of alcohol?" I asked him as i looked at the foggy air. "no, i'd bathe in alcohol" he took a sip of his wine. I laughed, "of course you would". There was a few more moments of comfortable silence as we observed the world turning into ashes. "i love you, y/n" Five said, randomly. I froze. It felt like my heart stopped beating but it also felt like it was beating too fast. It felt like time had paused just for this exact moment. Just for me to feel what it's like to hear 'i love you'. "Do you mean that?" i looked at Five's face, which had no expression except his beautiful eyes that always told me what he was feeling. "i mean everything i say to you" he smile softly, making my heart beat even faster. "i love you too Five" i swung my feet off the edge like a little kid, making him laugh. He pulled me closer to him and left a soft kiss on the top of my head as i leaned my head on his shoulder, both of us smiling deeply.

I turned to see my dad coming towards us. I quickly pulled away from Five to avoid the awkwardness tension between my dad, Five and me. "Y/n, may i have a word with this lovely man here?" He pointed to Five. "Sure" i cleared my throat as i kissed Five goodbye and stood up to go inside. I wonder what their talking about? I wonder what is so important that i can't be there? Maybe Five is gonna propose? No, no , no, he's not. He can't. Plus , Five wouldn't do that .

Instead of going inside i walked around the town, looking at what was left of the world. There wasn't much at all.

"Y/n, let's go inside" Five appeared behind me with my dad next to him. I nodded and followed them inside the building. As we walked through the spinning doors cheering from the family hollowed throughout the room.

"Woo! Five! Yeah!"
"Here they are!"

They all clapped and cheered. I looked around confused as to why they were cheering for me and Five. "That action last night! Wow!" Diego clapped. "Brought me to tears. Your all grown up." Lila out her hand over her heart. "What?" i asked, confused. "oh don't act like an angel! you popped his cherry!" Klaus exclaimed. My mouth dropped slightly.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧 ~ 𝙁𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now