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Theodore had always been clear about his nickname, reserving it for his inner circle. So when Jacob playfully called him 'Theo,' Theodore took it as a sign that they were moving past the stage of mere acquaintances.

That assumption was a mistake. Because after that party, Jacob never appeared before him again. The next big event, six months down the line, held the promise of a reunion, but Jacob and his family were conspicuously absent.

Jacob Allegre disappeared from the spotlight.

As expected, Theodore graduated at the top of his class. He took the law school entrance examinations as planned and got accepted into all three universities he applied for. In the end, he chose St. Andrew University to follow in his parents' footsteps, and it was also the university with the highest passing bar exam rate.





Stella Sanchez was Theo's high school best friend. She was tall and slender with a mane of natural brown hair that hinted at her Filipino-American roots. She was fair-skinned, and a delicate rose-shaped earring perfectly complemented her pointed nose. As an adult, she looked even more stunning that Theodore almost did not recognize her.

Outside the registrar's office at St. Andrew University, Stella sprinted toward Theodore and leaped into his arms, enveloping him in a heartwarming embrace.

"Oh my God! It's been too long!"

"What the heck are you doing here?" he asked, wrapping her around his arms, dismissing the curious gazes of other students.

She withdrew slightly, her cognac eyes glimmering. "I'm enrolling here. I'm going to law school, Theo."

"What? Here? Why?"

"My parents decided to move back, and this university was my first choice. I arrived from the States six months ago."

Theodore's posture slumped a bit, and his fingers slowly slid away from Stella's waist. The memories flooded back – the messages that had stopped coming, the unspoken fallout. Stella had been his best friend, his confidante during the tumultuous period when he grappled with his sexuality. She was the first person he had come out to.

"Why didn't you contact me?" Theodore couldn't help but ask, his voice tinged with a mix of hurt and understanding.

Stella dropped her gaze, guiltily biting her lower lip. "Sorry, I was busy with all the paperwork and adjusting here. I'm sorry I stopped reaching out... But I'm here now. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"Are you here for real? Like, permanently?"

"Yes, yes, I am." She excitedly looped her arms around his neck again. "Oh, I'm so glad you're here! I was nervous about going to law school by myself."

Theodore sighed, a grin tugging at his lips. "Alright, since you're making it up to me, I guess I'll accept you into my study circle. You better make those law digests."

Stella threw her head back, laughing. "Wow. Thanks!"

Out of nowhere, the aura surrounding them changed. The hushed whispers of the students, predominantly female, suddenly became evident. Theodore and Stella sensed the shift, and their heads turned simultaneously.


Questions raced through Theodore's mind. Why was he here? It was supposed to be a day for incoming freshmen, and Jacob should have been a sophomore by now.

Theodore felt his heart quicken, an uneasy tension gripping him.

Jacob raised an eyebrow as he approached them, his expression as enigmatic as ever.

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