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The months leading to the bar exam are incredibly stressful. From the very first year of their legal studies to their senior year, all that knowledge is packed into eight-hour lessons every weekend, Fridays to Saturdays. Yet, the grind doesn't cease after these sessions. They continue to immerse themselves in the intricacies of the law, studying alone at home throughout the week, going over notes, and watching lecture videos.

Theodore, always seen with his glasses perched on his nose and his unruly bangs tied up, becomes a role model for Jacob. He gradually mimics Theodore's habits, tying back his own hair. Their time is mostly spent on hitting the books, with a few breaks here and there to stay sane. It is alienating, as if the world has moved on without them. Their university friends are off traveling, dining out at fancy restaurants, or making investments in real estate, while they remain confined to the world of textbooks and statutes.

As the day draws closer, Jacob's anxiety escalates. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night, his heart pumping crazily, his back drenched in sweat. He changes into a new shirt and stares quietly at Theodore's face to calm down, quite content that he's not alone, and that they will soon be financially-independent. Truly, it is not as bad when you have someone you love by your side.

Theodore steps out of the hall, his knees nearly giving out, chest feeling light. It's over. The most difficult exam of his life is finally over.

Outside, a sea of people, bearing banners and bouquets in support of fellow bar exam takers, congregates on the sidewalk. The air is alive with cheers, and a few tears are shed. Theodore understands that everyone here shares the same overwhelming sense of relief.

And now, they wait.


It's Austin, his face as pale as parchment, while Stella appears remarkably composed.

"I'm so glad we're done! Now I can look forward to a solid eight hours of sleep!" she exclaims, clapping her hands.

"I'm happy, but I'm also freaking out. I don't want to think about it, so no one should talk about their answers, got it?" Austin begs. "It's more nerve-racking to wait for the results."

"Where's Jacob?" Stella asks, her eyes searching amongst the crowd.

"Not sure..." Theodore mumbles, also looking. "Oh, there he is!"

Jacob marches toward them, two buttons on his shirt carelessly loosened. He waves his hand. When he reaches the group, he hugs Theodore.

Theodore reddens. "Hey, we're in public..."

"Sorry, I'm just so happy we're through with this." Jacob pulls away. "Come on, let's get going. We're gonna be late."

"Where are we going?" Austin asks.

Jacob gives the two an unapologetic smile. "Sorry, Austin, Stella. Theodore and I have to go somewhere."

Theodore narrows his eyes. "We do? Where?"

Jacob winks at him.

Stella folds her arms. "Wow, we haven't seen each other in four months and you want to ditch us?"

"Next time. This is important," Jacob answers, his fingers intertwining with Theo's. "We'll see you soon."

Austin looks at Stella. "I guess you're stuck with me."

"See ya," Theodore says and allows himself to be dragged by Jacob.

They squeeze themselves among multiple people until they get into a congested parking lot. Before Theodore can enter the vehicle, Jacob blocks the driver's seat.

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