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"I'll see you tomorrow, Theo!" Austin exclaims before slamming the door of Stella's car. The driver is dropping him off at the transit center. Theodore and Jacob wave goodbye as the vehicle exits the parking lot.

The two also leave the building premises. The rain has stopped, but the roads remain wet, and a cold, dewy breeze fills the air. Jacob rolls down the car window and gazes up at the sky, letting the wind tousle his hair.

"Are you moving tomorrow, too?" Theodore inquires.

"Yes. I have very little stuff to move. It's a fully furnished apartment. What time is Austin coming?"

"Probably around noon."

"It's nice of you to let him stay. I wonder how long you'll last."

"I made it clear that I can tolerate everything except clutter and mess," Theodore explains. "Dishes need to be washed immediately, and dirty clothes go in the hamper."

"We'll see."

"You're one to talk. I can tolerate you; I can tolerate everything."

Jacob laughs and crosses his legs. "I'm not as unkempt as you think I am."

"Not in my place, at least. Or else..."

"Relax, Theo. When we move in together, I promise I won't be."

Theodore nearly steps on the brake hard, his entire body heating up. "What... Where did that come from?"

Jacob gazes outside the window again. "A man can dream, can't he?"

Theodore loosens his tie to give himself some room to breathe. "You're still not letting go of this, are you?"

"Why? Have I reached the deadline?"

Regret crawls up Theodore's chest. He should have left it at that. It's been a couple years since Jacob confessed his feelings, and they are still exactly where they started. Why Jacob is still clinging to him is beyond Theodore.

Because why him? Jacob can have anybody he wants.

"Do you like someone else?"

Theodore grumbles, "Are you kidding? You know I only hang out with you guys."

"True. Should I just start using dating apps?"

"Why are you asking me?"

Jacob smiles faintly. "I suppose it's been two years..."

"It has," Theodore murmurs and then steps on the gas pedal.

Jacob doesn't contact Theodore for the entire week following the start of the internship.

Theodore thought he wouldn't notice his absence since they are swamped with work at the Human Rights Center, and Austin staying at his place has filled the unit with laughter. But he does. How can he not?

Jacob used to text him every bedtime to say good night. Or he would randomly knock on his door, bringing food and drinks. And then they would study or watch movies or simply chat.

Jacob would sometimes try to hold his hand, and he would let him. Or he would lay his head on his lap. Or he'd wrap him around his arms.

But that was it. Jacob never tried to do anything more. And Theodore was perfectly fine with the crumbs of intimacy and affection.

Whether he wants to admit it or not, Jacob has become his best friend, and Theodore hates to acknowledge it. His best friend's sudden absence has left a gaping hole in his life, as if his world has been turned upside down.

Theodore turns the shower off. He puts his clothes on and then dries his hair with a towel. When he exits the bathroom, he sees Austin sitting at the dining table working on a report, his brows furrowed. Theodore quietly plops down on the bed.

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