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After their last class, Stella volunteers to hand the notes to Austin, her eyes glistening, as if she wasn't swearing a couple hours ago.

"See ya," she mutters and then hops away. The two watch Stella exit the lobby, their thoughts aligning.

Theodore says, "She should just tell him."

"Do you think Austin's the type?"

"Why not?"

"Dunno. He seems oblivious and kinda silly," Jacob eyes Theodore playfully. "Like someone I know."

Theodore glares at him. "What do you mean?"

"You thought I was into Stella. Crazy."

"You and Stella confused me, alright—?"

A crowd of students pass by them, throwing them unsteady yet meaningful looks. Jacob arches his brows.

"What are you looking at?" he snaps, causing the students to gasp and increase their speed.

He takes a step, but Theodore grasps his arm. "Don't."

"No, it's pissing me off," Jacob replies, scowling. "Listen! Hey!"

The remaining students in the lobby, including those he yelled at, reluctantly turn their heads to Jacob.

"This..." He wags his finger, pointing to himself and then to Theodore multiple times. "...Is none of your business. And it's not too bad that I'm into him."

Theodore's heart races.

"So shut your mouths. Move along. Fuck off--"

His jaw drops, swiftly covering Jacob's mouth in panic. "It's good now. Don't curse in public."

The crowd hurriedly disperses from the scene, shocked that Jacob, famous for his good looks and calm demeanor, has called everyone out for gossiping.

Jacob takes Theodore's hand and gently removes it from his mouth. But he doesn't let it go right away.

"Sorry," he mumbles, squeezing his eyes shut. "I might have made things worse. Again."

"Let's just go," Theodore answers.


Jacob hesitantly releases Theodore's hand, and they rapidly leave the university premises. At the alley a couple of blocks away, when they are finally alone by themselves, Theodore halts his steps and confronts Jacob.

"You told me it didn't bother you."

"It didn't. I'm sure you know that I don't give a damn if people don't like me," Jacob answers, taking Theodore's hand again. "But you're different. I only care about how you feel."

Theodore nearly jumps, his heart feeling like it will burst as he locks gazes with Jacob, the blood in his veins pumping wildly. Jacob's sharp eyes are hauling him closer, his thumb gently drawing circles on his palm. Theodore catches his breath.


Theodore clenches his quivering hand, yanking it away.

"Aha... Ha... Ha... Go on. Tease me about being flustered..."

But Jacob keeps a straight face.

"It's true that I tease you often, but I mean it. I mean everything I say."

Theodore nibbles the inside of his cheek, his gut twisting. Jacob's feelings are out in the open--raw and uncompromising. And all this uncertainty is not fair to him. Jacob deserves to have his feelings returned fully.

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