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Theodore glances away from Jacob, breaking their eye contact. "No, I'm just curious," he admits quietly.

"I'm not straight," Jacob blurts out with an air of apathy.

Theodore's reaction is immediate, and he chokes on his food, coughing violently and feeling the sharp pain in his chest intensify. He reaches for his glass of water, taking a few sips to soothe his irritated throat, then wipes the residue from his mouth. He can't help but admire Jacob's straightforwardness. While Theodore isn't embarrassed about his own bisexuality, he carries a lingering fear of being judged.

"I... I'm surprised how easy it is for you to come out."

"It's easy if you don't care," Jacob says. "Anyway, that's not something they'll be a hundred percent okay with. I don't want to stay in an environment that won't accept that I can be attracted to anybody."

Theodore nods slowly.

"Did you... Tell them?"

"I didn't have to," Jacob replies with a hint of frustration. "They heard from other people, which is quite annoying. I didn't think I owed them any explanation for not joining such an organization, or whatever they call it. My sexuality is none of their business."

Jacob threads his fingers through his hair, fixing its side part.

"Other than that, I don't want them being awkward or cautious around me just because I like men, too. That's not how it works."

Theodore toys with his food and murmurs, "I understand."

Jacob rests his cheek on his fist. "You do?"


Just then, Theodore's phone begins to ring. He struggles to take it out of his pocket, fumbling for a few moments before he finally gets to answer the call.

"Excuse me."

"Not a problem." Jacob resumes eating.

It is Stella. "Theo! How are you?"

"Hey, thanks for checking in, Stella. I'm alright. Pretty beaten up, but I'm hanging in there."

The conversation piques Jacob's interest, though he maintains a deadpan expression.

"Oh, no! Where are you? Do you need me to get you something?"

"It's okay. I'll be fine after some rest. Probably," he replies. "I'm at Jacob's."

"Jacob? The one during the enrollment?" Stella asks, her tone rising.

"Yes, yes. That's the one..." he whispers. "Anyway, it's all good. Don't worry."

"Okay. As long as someone's taking care of you."

Theodore grimaces. "What?"

"Never mind. Bye!"

"Uh, okay. Bye."

And then he hangs up.

"Who was that?" Jacob asks coolly.

Theodore notices Jacob's empty plate and tries to speed up his eating.

"Take your time. Your jaw must be in pain."

"Ah, yeah... Um, that was Stella. You saw her during enrollment."

"Stella, huh. And?"

Theodore takes a bite of his sausage. "And? And what?"

Jacob maintains a blank stare, his expression giving away nothing.

"Oh... She's in block D. And Austin, too. Austin Diaz... I wonder how he is..."

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