Chapter 17

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Kiara's P.O.V.

While we were heading to school we started to get to know each other better. He told me about his past before the war and once he found Alice and became part of the Olympic Coven. I noticed he skipped the part about when he was turned but I didn't pry. He told me he would tell me when he was ready, I'm not about to push him.

I told him about the things I could remember about my parents and about my time in the system.

"I don't remember much about my parents since I was so young, but I do remember that they were kind. Both my parents worked in law. Mom was a lawyer and dad was a detective. They actually met on a case. They were busy a lot, but they always made time for me. Family was more important to them than their jobs. When they were both working a neighbor would look after me, Alex. She was 18 and planned on going to college for graphic art. She was like an older sister to me. But after I got put in the system, I never saw her again. She would've taken me in, but she still lived with her parents at the time."

"It sounds like she really cared for you."

"She did. Once I was in the system, I hopped around from home to home. Some were good, some weren't. I think the reason some didn't work out is because I didn't fit in. I was shy, kept to myself mainly. The only time I was myself is if I was around animals. Kind of ironic seeing what I am. But once I started shifting everything changed. I didn't want to risk being found out if I was adopted or fostered so I told Ms. Lucy who ran the orphanage that I would help out with the younger kids as long as she didn't try to find a home for me. She was a little concerned and shocked at first. But I told her it was because I didn't want anyone to replace my parents. While that was partly true, I just didn't want to lose control and get found out or worse hurt someone. She agreed but every now and again she would try to convince me to reconsider. It wasn't that she wasn't grateful for the extra help she was just worried about me. Once I was old enough, I started looking for a part time job. I got a job as waitress shortly after. I loved what I did. Meeting knew people hearing their stories. There were the occasional bad ones but that's bound to happen. When I wasn't working, I continued to help out with the younger kids at the orphanage. I've always been fond of kids even if they are a pain in the ass sometimes."

I heard Jasper chuckle.

"After that, I came here, and you know the rest."

"That's quite a story. I do have one thing to say though. Never be afraid or ashamed of who you are. You are unique in the best way, never be ashamed of that."

"Thank you, Jasper. I'm not. I was more scared than I was ashamed of what I am. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I never knew when I would shift when it first started, so I had to be careful and learn control. I eventually learned how, and the rest is history."

"That's understandable anyone would be scared if they were in your position. I do have a question, though it's about something you said yesterday."

"Alright, what is it?"

"You mentioned that you called Sam yesterday at lunch. Why, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't. It's a little embarrassing. Well, when I first saw you and we made eye contact I got this feeling. It was like gravity wasn't holding me down anymore, but you were. I didn't know what that was. I know very little about being a shifter, the things I do, I just learned on my own. So I texted him and asked him if he knew what the feeling was, and he told me to call him and he explained what it was. It was the imprinting bond. They have them too. I didn't tell him that I imprinted on you though. Don't think I'm ashamed of you, I'm not. I just know that you guys don't get along, so I didn't want him to freak out or get upset. They are the first people I met that are somewhat like me. I don't want to lose that because they don't like who my mate is."

"It's alright darlin'. It didn't even cross my mind that you were ashamed of me. I understand that you want to be friends with someone who is like you. Even if they turn into wolves and you a panther. Like I told you yesterday I don't have a problem with them as long as they don't hurt you."

"Thank you for understanding Jaz. It means a lot to me."

"Any time darlin'." He said and that's when I noticed that we were pulling into the parking lot of the school. He parked beside Rose's car and got out. I was about to open my door when Jasper beat me to it. He opened my door and held out his hand.

"Thank you, Jaz." I said as I took his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers.

"You're welcome darlin'." He said as he led me over to his siblings. I noticed that it was quieter in the parking lot then it normally would be. I looked around and noticed that everyone was staring at Jasper and me.

'Nosy teenagers. Mind your own damn business.' I thought rolling my eyes.

"About time you two showed up. The bell is gonna ring in five minutes." Emmett said as we got to the group. I noticed that Bella was with them.

"We'll be fine Emmett. Being late isn't gonna kill us." I told him. We talked for a few minutes; I was civil with Bella I didn't want to cause a scene if something happened. But if she gets on my nerves, we'll let's just say this kitty has claws. When the bell rang, we all headed to our classes.

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