Chapter 19

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Kiara's P.O.V.

Spanish class and Gym went smoothly.

Ms. Romanoff is a stern teacher. A lot of the kids try to mess around in class, but she doesn't let it go too far. You can tell she is secretly amused by all the shenanigans if her smirks and slight smile every now and again is anything to go by. Reminds me of Professor McGonagall from the Harry Potter series, to be honest.

Coach Barton is a really fun coach. He's laid back but he always has his eyes out just in case something happens to cause any of the students to get hurt. I swear he has some kind of superpower. If he ever decides to join the students in a game of basketball or something, he never misses.

After gym Jasper and I had history.

Mr. Rogers is an old soul even though he's in his late 20s. He has a love of the old days like 40s old. Besides that, he is a really good teacher. He seems to love teaching history. Today we were learning about the Civil War. Once Jasper heard what we were learning about, he slightly perked up. When he did that, I looked at him with a questioning look. But then I remembered all the war books he had in his room and how he told me that he liked correcting them.

Mr. Rogers was telling us about all the important people that were important in the Civil War. One name stuck out to me.

"Jasper Whitlock was one of the youngest men to ever earn the title of Major. Can anyone tell me how old he was when he achieved that title?" He asked the class. I looked around and saw everyone had a quizzical look on their faces. I then heard someone answer from beside me. I looked toward the voice and saw that it was Jasper.

"He was 17." I heard Jasper answer.

"Correct Mr. Hale. Does anyone know what happened to him?" Again no one had an answer.

"He disappeared. 2 years after he earned the title of Major, he was helping evacuate women and children. On his way back to Galveston, he suddenly disappeared. He was considered MIA, after weeks of not hearing anything and presumed dead after a year of his disappearance."

"Correct again Mr. Hale. How do you know so much about Major Whitlock?" Mr. Rogers asked.

"He's one of my ancestors," Jasper answered.

"Is he now? Well, I'm sure you're very proud to be a decedent of the youngest Major in the Confederate Army." Mr. Rogers said. Jasper just nodded. After that, Mr. Rogers went on and continued talking about the Civil War.

'Why did the name Jasper Whitlock, stick out to me so much? Was it because he and Jasper had the same name? I mean Jasper did say that he was decedent of the Major. But Major Whitlock disappeared when he was 19. I mean it wouldn't be that much of a stretch that when he went MIA, he left behind a child but even so.'

"Um, Mr. Rogers?" I asked hesitantly with my hand raised.

"Yes, Ms. Pride?"

"Was there any record of any family Major Whitlock left behind after he disappeared?"

"He left behind, his mother. He was an only child and his father had died in the war. His mother died a few months after she found out about what happened to her son." he said.

"Oh," I said quietly.

'If the Major didn't leave behind any family and his mother died a few months after his disappearance, how can Jasper be his decedent? I mean the Major could have had children after he went MIA, but the chance of that being the case is slim. Unless... Major Jasper Whitlock and Jasper Hale are one in the same.' I concluded. I looked toward Jasper and whispered so no one but us could hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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