Chapter 20 Where is our father?

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5 years later. The twins have grown up beautifully. They never got sick or hurt. Valery is a very active and playful child. She likes to get into trouble and she would have wandered outside the barrier many times if Gaia did not help with keeping an eye on her. Evior on the other hand is more calm and likes to learn things. In fact, he already knows how to read some words and soon can read whole sentences. He likes to follow his mother along and gets annoyed when his sister tries to pull him along and play. Of course most of the time he complies she is his sister after all but there are times that she outright refuses. Noa loves evry moment she has with her children even when they are up to no good. It has been hard on her since she is a single mother with two small children and has only the help of her dog. But with that said Gaia is a great babysitter as she stops Valery from doing dangerous things like climbing up the stove or trying to venture outside the barrier. Even so, Valery gets closer and closer evry time as she is smart enough to learn from her mistakes. In fact, she is as intelligent as her brother but she dont care about studying like her brother so she is further behind in her studies. While Evior can write all the letters in the alphabet she can only write a few. While he can count to 100 she can only count to 20 and so on. In fact, the only thing that she is better at than her brother is the concept of colorful speech. She can use and understand different sayings and apply them at the right time. She is good with flattery and is good at tricking peapole.  Of course, Noa was never fooled but Evior has been fooled by her many times. One might think that of course, he is just 6 years old but Noa has never been able to trick him when she wants him to do something he doesn't want. Of course, she doesn't use her full ability to trick him as he is her child but still.

 Noa has also been diligent with her cultivation and has advanced 2 stages. She is now at the beginning stage of elemental junior. She is now currently at the level where she could become a disciple of a big sect. Of course, if she was younger she could have been accepted when she was a spirit junior. But from here on out advancing because a lot more difficult as not only does she require more qi and battle experience to advance at this stage and above there are 5 levels in each state whereas before there were only 2. Right now she is strong among the weak but weak among the strong.

But right now she dont have to worry about that. It is nighttime time and Noa is reading her children a bedtime story like she has done evry night. Noa has built two beds for them together with making their bedding. She has even built out the house so that now it has 2 extra rooms. Right now the twins are sharing a room but when they grow older it is natural for them to want to have their own personal room so she built 2 rooms instead of 1. The bedtime stories she is reading are something that mysteriously pooped up in the library on the children's 1 birthday. She never knew where they came from but she suspects there was a gift from Ichbita the creator. The stories books she got were some from her world and some from this world. And because there were stories from her world, she suspects that it was the creator who gifted them. Right now she is reading a story about a father who is trying to find a cure for his son's illness together with his daughter. As she has read halfway through the book Valery suddenly asks her: " Where is our dad?" Hearing this Noa turns silent for a moment thinking about how she should explain it as best as possible. She readies herself and says. 

Noa: " You 2 are very special children and unlike others, you were able to be born without a father. " She says gently.

Valery: " But you said that in order for children to be born you need to have a man who puts his thing into a woman. So we must have a man who made us, should that not be our father?"

Noa: " Normally yes, but you 2 were born out of magic from god as a gift to me. So you only have one parent as I dont have a lover."

Valery: " So we dont have one?" She says with disappointment.

Noa: "Unfortunately that is right." she says as she pats her daughter's head and tries to console her.

Evior: " Sister, is mother not enough for you?" He asks with a hint of displeasure.

Valery: " Hey, I just want a complete family." She barks back.

Evior: " We are a complete family, just because the story books have a father with them does not mean that our family needs one, stupid."

Valery: " Just because you dont want one does not mean that me and mom dont need one. Right mother?" Hearing this Noa turns numb not knowing how to answer. She can't possibly tell her that she doesn't want a lover now, can she? But lying will only make her daughter have unfounded expectations and she doesn't want that either. Seeing her mother not knowing how to answer she gets a little upset.

Valery: " Mom, dont tell me that you think just like brother?"

Noa; " We..." She hesitates.

Noa: " I dont really hate the idea is just that it is hard to find someone to like and have that person to like me back. Besides, where can I find one in this forest anyway?"

Valery: " So what you are saying i that it might happen in the future?"

Noa:"... Yes, but dont let your hopes up." Hearing this Valery's eyes brighten with happiness and says: " That is great."

Evior: " Hey, if she finds someone won't we have to share a mother with another person?"

Valery: " Yes, but we also have another person loving us."

Evior:" I refuse, I only need mom and that person might not want us and only wants to take mother away from us."

Noa: " I will never agree to be with someone who wants me to leave you. So don't worry."

Valery: " See so there is nothing to worry about."

Evior: " No, I will never agree."

Valery:" Please."

Evior: " No."

Valery:" Please."

Evior: " I said no."

Hearing his constant refusal Valery starts to pout and says: " Then I won't ever talk to you again."

Evior: " Fine." Hearing this she gets even more angry.

Valery: " Fine be that way. I dont need you anyway."

Evior: " Then stop talking to me."

Valery: " Hmp." She stomps on the ground and marches over to her own bed. Seeing them fighting like this Noa doesn't know what to do. But she knows that they can't hold on with not speaking to each other for long so she just sighs and tells Evior: " You should go a little easy on your sister, she just wants to have a happy family and thinks that adding a father will make us even happier. Even if you dont agree you dont have to refuse so strongly. Also, Valery, you dont have to be so mad with your brother that you just want different things. It is normal and should be respected."

Evior: " I was not harsh at all."

Valery: " Brother is wrong, so how can I not be angry?"

Hearing this she sighs as she knows that she can only wait it out. She stands up and says: " Well, if you dont make up then there is no more bedtime story for both of you. So go to bed and try to sleep." She says as she turns off the light and walks out. 

Valery: " This is your fault."

Evior: " You are not supposed to speak to me."

Valery: " Arrg." She says as she turns around so she doesn't face her brother. It did not take long for both of them to sleep.

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