Chapter 28 Wu Yichen meets Valery

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4 Days have gone by, during that time Wu Yichen has not left bed and met no one but Noa during this time, when she was redressing his wounds or giving him something to eat. He has to say that during this time he started to trust her a little and he really likes her homecooked food. But by now, he has started to trust her even more as he has noticed that the poison in his body has not taken effect and his body would have started to rot by now.

Wu Yichen: It seems like what that woman said is true.

Thinking of this he realizes that Noa would most likely be a powerful alchemist as she is able to deal with the withering poison. It is to be said that she has almost removed the poison completely from his body but he can still sense a little bit of it still residing inside his body. So she did not completely eliminate it. But with the little he has left, it won't kill him and let him rot away. He will probably have episodes when the poison acts up but it is something he can deal with. Besides it is more than even the elite alchemists or doctors could have done for him. So Noa must be a genius as she can create an antidote on her first try if what she said is true. So far the only other things he has learned together with her 2 children Noa is the only other person here, at least for now as Noa is the only person he has seen but while he hasn't seen the children he has heard them. It seems like she has forbidden them to enter. Which means that she doesn't fully trust him even with the limiter on him. That also means that she really cares about them. Other than that he has learned nothing as Noa isn't so keen on chatter, at least with him. 

He checks his body one more time and confirms that he is healthy enough to walk. Then he sits right up ignoring how much it hurts and slowly makes his way to the door. He tries to opan it and unexpectedly the door isn't looked. But before he opens it he thinks, should he take the chance and walk out directly or try to sneak out to avoid any unknown danger? He thinks and finally decides to take the chance of walking out, trusting that it is not a trap. After all, if the barrier really does exist even if he managed to sneak out he could not leave if there is a barrier. He opens the door and he hears a bark, he looks down and sees Gaia.

Wu Yichen: Is that a dog?

He thinks as he has never seen a dog breed that is even remotely similar to a Great Dane.

Wu Yichen:  This dog-like creature doesn't have an aura either. But it doesn't look like an undead dog. After all, while undead humans can act and look just like normal humans if they are powerful enough dog undead can't. Then can Noa really be human?

Seeing the man walk out Gaia starts to bark at him but doesn't attack, he can see that Gaia is really guarded against him but doesn't attack.

Wu Yichen: This is one well-trained dog.

Before Wu Yichen tries to walk past Gaia he looks around and finally realizes that he is located in a tiny house with only one room and that there are other houses around. But only one of them looks to be liveable by humans as the others look like barns and stables. When he looks a little further he can see a little girl staring at him as she hides behind a tree. She looks very curious and looks like she wants to run and speak with him but doesn't. It seems like her mother has told her not to get too close to him. Now he can comfort that at least one of the unknown voices is that of a child. But seeing this child look at him with excitement it feels a little unreal as other children no matter their status have always been afraid of him. While he doesn't preticurey like children he doesn't hate them either so he has never really cared but looking at her he cannot help but feel that she is cute.

Wu Yichen: Is it becuse she is not looking at me crying or freezing with fear?

Wu Yichen: " Hey, dog. Let me pass." He threatens as he looks at him with cold and dangerous eyes, Normally beasts would cower and rund unless they were above stage 6. Looking at Gaia he can tell that she is no more than at stage 5. Even though he is wounded magical beasts under stage 7 should cower in fear as they have not developed enough intelligence. But this dog doesn't cower at all instead her barking becomes even more aggressive.

Wu Yichen: Should I hurt this dog or not?

But before he can decide the little girl runs over and scolds the dog.

Valery: " Gaia, dont hurt him."

Hearing this Gaia calms down a little but still stares at him with vigilance. But she doesn't seem to notice.

Valery: " Hi, I am Valery. I was the one who saved you." She says proudly. Normally Wu Yichen would just ignore this child but since he thinks that she is cute he decides to humer her.

Wu Yichen: " Oh, how so?"

Valery: " I found you in the forest and told Mom about it so that she could help you. So I was the one you owe your life to." She says with confidence. 

Wu Yichen: This kid sure has guts or is she fearless?

Wu Yichen: " But it is your mother who did all the hard work."

Valery: " Then you can pay her back with your body and pay me back by becoming my father."

Wu Yichen: " What?" He asks dumbfounded.

Wu Yichen: Does she know what she said? 

Before he can ask her this he hears a familiar voice walking towards them.

Noa: "Don't say such misleading things." 

Hearing her mother reprimanding her, Valery is first stunned by being caught but then she starts to make crocodile tears and runs to hug her mother's leg.

Valery: " Mommy, how can you be so mean? I just told him the truth, it is written in the storybooks that my brother reads to me. "

Noa: " Oh, what exactly?"

Valery: " It said that you need to marry the person who saved you. If you dont then you are ungrateful. So it means that he must pay you back with his body and then have babies, then, I can have a younger brother who respects me and doesn't think that he is above me."

Wu Yichen: What a sceaming kid.

Noa: " Oh."

Valery: " Wh... what?" She asks as she senses that something is going to happen judging by her mother's tone.

Noa: " Do you think that you can fool me?"

Valery: " Wha... when did I do that?"

Noa: " So you are going to play dumb?"

Hearing this Valery knows that she can't escape so she quickly turns around and shouts.

Valery: " I am so sorry mister!"

Realizing that he was suddenly dragged into for the first time in his life Wu Yichen doesn't know what to do. But seeing the 2 of them staring at him expecting an answer for the first time he feels like he has to accommodate someone. If his followers were here they would look at him and think 'Where did their uncaring and overbearing lord go?'

Wu Yichen: " No, worries."

Hearing this Noa's facial expression softens and asks him: " Are you planning to leave?"

At first, he really planned to do so but for some reason now he wants to stay a little longer. Besides he still has a few more days for his wound to heal so going outside may be dangerous. What he does not realize is that the real reason for his wanting to stay is becuse he has finally started to trust Noa, not only becuse he has taken a liking to her daughter but also becuse he finds Noa's motherly side a little attractive. Not like he has never seen mothers taking care and scolding their children, it is becuse it only becomes charming in his eyes when it comes to this mother and daughter.

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