Moon Spell (Part 1)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 17: Moon Spell (part 1)


[At the Gilbert's house, Emma and Elliot prepare the house with party decorations: balloons, streamers, and other colorful stuff. Emma is in the living room checking her list on the clipboard in her arms, when she sees Elliot trying to tie some black balloons on the stair rails.]

Emma: walks over. "Make sure you tie them tight. It has to be a double knot." Notices the color of the balloons. "That's wrong. We can't have black balloons."

Elliot: "Sorry." Ties some more balloons, glancing over at her.

"The color is fine. It didn't matter to me," Neil shrugs, smiling because he knows what this day is. "It's a party dad, not a funeral," Emma replies. "What party?" Charlotte asks. "It was a surprise party for me. It was my birthday." "Oh, well happy late birthday then," Ash says, causing Neil to chuckle.

"How many parties do they have?" Bella mutters.

Emma: "It's a party, Elliot. Happy, cheerful." She turns as the door opens and Cleo and Rikki walk in.

Rikki: sees the black balloons and spreads her arms out wide. "Welcome, to my gothic world."

Emma: "That's not funny."

"It is to me," Elliot laughs. "And that's why there should be no black balloons," Emma points out.

Emma: "It's my dad's birthday. It's an important night." They, excluding Elliot, who remains on the steps, walk to the living room.

Rikki: "I can't believe you organized this whole thing by yourself. It's very, um, efficient." Touches some of the balloon strings that are floating close to the ceiling.

"You organized a party all by yourself?" Sam asks. "That must've been tough," Will says. "Not when you're an organized person and have a schedule," Emma smirks. "Too bad it didn't matter anyways," Rikki says, making Emma's smirk falter.

Emma: to Cleo. "Have I told you about the seafood?"

Cleo: rolls her eyes. "Only twenty-five times." They walk into the kitchen, Cleo and Rikki stay on the other side of the counter.

"You must've taken it very seriously then," Ash comments. "I needed it to be perfect."

Emma: "Tell your dad it needs to be fresh, and it has to be his best stuff. We need to have it here by 7:45." Points at her. "Better write that down." Cleo grabs a pen and writes it on her hand.

"And it was," Cleo says. "It's always my best," Don says proudly. Hmm, maybe I can see if he would like to work with the restaurant on getting some, Annette thinks.

Rikki: "You seem a bit tense."

Emma: "I'm not tense." Forces a smile.

Rikki: Points to her own jaw. "You're grinding your teeth."

Emma: "It's called a smile, Rikki." Rikki pouts.

"No, that's tense," Zane corrects her. "I was a little stressed," Emma says sheepishly. "A little?" Rikki says, raising an eyebrow.

Emma: they look at Elliot as he walks past them to the balloons at the end of the counter. He was about to tie them when she stops him. "Elliot, don't just do yellow and black. Get some other colors."

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