Grief, Acceptance, & Forgiveness

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 63: Grief, Acceptance, & Forgiveness


The rest of the theater group remains in awkward silence, unsure of what to do next as the families enter the dorms. The group looks around at one another in uncomfortable silence. Luckily, someone decides to break it.

"Soooo, should we get lunch?" Will asked, relieving the thick tension in the room. "Why not?" Ash shrugs then stands up. "They probably won't be out of there any time soon," Bella sighs as she too stood from her seat, and the rest follow. Everyone makes their way toward the buffet area, except for the two doctors, Max and Zane. Harrison and Denman go to stand, when Max stops them, gesturing for them to sit back down. "Uh, it's probably best that you two stay here." The two slump back in their seats in defeat, knowing that Max has a point. "I'll grab you something, dad," Zane tells Harrison, as he and Max head out of the room, leaving the two to look at the dorm door in worry, wondering what could possibly be going on back there.


Meanwhile in the girl's dorm, since it is the biggest, the group of families and close friends had just entered through the door when Cleo is bombarded into a massive hug from Bev, her shoulder covering her mother's muffled sobs. Still feeling uneasy about her mother's sudden return of love for her daughters, she couldn't accept it so easily. Her actions from earlier might be one thing, but she never knows when she'll leave them again. Cleo decides to return her hug with a gentle pat on the back. "There, there," Cleo inwardly cringed.

When Bev calms down slightly and lets her eldest go, Kim and Don pull her into a hug next which she happily accepts. Bev takes a few steps back and lets out a breath as she watches them in this happy moment, a bit saddened that she couldn't join them. The tension between them was still thick. Not as bad as before after the previous episode, but still there.

On the other side of the room, the Gilbert family snags Emma into a group hug, alltogether unlike the Sertori's. And Emma eagerly accepts her family's shower of hugs, showing how much they love and care for one another.

On the farthest side of the room where one of the bunk beds were, Rikki leans against the bedpost with Lewis and Mrs. Chatham sitting on the bed beside her as they watch the heartwarming scene in front of them. Terry stands next to her, refusing to ever leave her side again. Rikki frankly couldn't blame him after everything they had seen. If things had gone worst for her and the girls, she would have never wanted to leave her father's side; afraid that she might never be able to see him again. She couldn't blame the Sertori's and Gilbert's for what they were doing either. Crying, hugging, so happy that their daughters were okay, that they were still there with them. It was a touching sight ...

And it was a little sickening for Rikki to see.

"Is it going to be like this the whole time or...?" Rikki announces, cutting through the touching moment. Emma and Cleo give her a stern look as their families finally separate from their group hug. "Rikki," Terry warns, gently nudging her. He would've given her a hug too, but he knows how Rikki feels about the touchy-feeling stuff. So, he simply went with just being there for her if she needs it. If Rikki wanted a hug, she would initiate it herself. "Sorry, sorry," Lisa says as she wipes her cheeks, getting rid of the remaining tears.

It grew quiet again, this time instead of a loving one, it became awkward, ironically just like the one happening in another room full of people. "So, what do we do now?" Cleo rubs her arm in comfort.

Neil steps forward, deciding to speak up first. "Well, first of all, I think we all owe a big thank you to Mrs. Chatham." Everyone smiles in agreement and claps for her. "Thank you, thank you so much for protecting our daughters," Lisa nods in appreciation, beaming with happiness. "Anything for a fellow secret keeper," Mrs. Chatham smiles at the girls, which they return. "Ahem," Lewis coughs, causing a few chuckles to go around the room. "And thank you too, Lewis, for saving them," Bev says. "Your welcome," Lewis grins.

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