A Twist in the Tail (Part 1)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 61: A Twist in the Tail (part 1)


[Out in the distance, Mako Island stands tall, magnificent, and strong as always. A mystical fog surrounds it, as if but a faint memory.]

Mrs. Chatham: "Mako Island was here long before all of us." Mrs. Chatham takes a deep breath as she sat on the dock at the marine park. Cleo, Rikki, and Emma sat along the edge next to her, listening to her tales and her fateful lessons. Even Lewis tags along and listens, finally beginning to believe in the mystery of magic. "And it'll be here long after we've all gone. And long after this full moon."

"This feels ominous," Ash muttered.

"Full moon again? Well, perfect timing," Charlotte said, arms crossed.

"Things just keep getting worse, doesn't it?" Sam shook her head, as the parents continued to remain silent, sticking to one another and staying close to their daughters as if they would lose them at any second. "It's always a challenge in the life of a mermaid," Max mumbled as he looked over at his old friend, not understanding why there was a small smile on her face. It was always a challenge for Gracie.

And it's the full moon that fixed everything ... for them, Denman thought.

Cleo: "Oh, yeah." Eyes widen in awareness and turns to her friends, then back to Mrs. Chatham. "Full moon time again. Tonight." Mrs. Chatham nods. Cleo winces. "Is it going to be as bad as it was last time?"

"This has got to be foreshadowing. Something bad is going to happen. Something bad always happens!" Kim worried frantically. "Gee, I wonder why," Don narrowed his eyes at the two doctors in the room, the two avoiding everyone else's gaze. His eyes moved back and forth to Zane; he wasn't sure what to make of him. Since Zane didn't know who the mermaids were ... yet. He was angry, but not as mad as he was at Harrison and Denman. Especially Harrison. They've grown up together, years of friendship, and he went behind their backs and destroyed it.

"With those two being added to the mix now, oh yeah, something is definitely going to go down," Will nodded his head in their direction. "She isn't kidding about the foreshadow. And I have to say, it was rather worse than the last one now that I think about it," Rikki whispered to Cleo and Emma. "Definitely. I'd rather take on your fireballs again. Although, not so soon please," Emma grinned.

Mrs. Chatham: "The full moon is a powerful force. But this time, however, it's even more so."

"Why?" Bev asked ever so quietly. Why is it stronger than the last? Why do they have to deal with this now, after everything that is going on? Why do they have such problems with the full moons? Why do they have to go through with any of this? Why wasn't I there for her? So many questions ran through her mind.

"Do I even want to know?" Bella whined. Even she had to admit, a couple of months ago, which must've been when this had happened, she felt a stronger pull toward the full moon than ever before. She has only ever felt a pull that strong a few times. But she could never figure out why.

"Again, perfect timing," Charlotte grumbled as she rolled her eyes, unbelieving their luck.

Emma: frowns, leans forward. "Really? How do you know?"

"I'd ask, but I feel like there's no point," Ash shook his head, then repeated the answer he always got when asked. "Magic."

"Really, Em? How long have you known Mrs. Chatham?" Cleo chuckled lightly.

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