Moon Spell (Part 2)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 18: Moon Spell (part 2)


[Rikki and Cleo walk out onto the pier and find Emma's shoes on the ledge. They stop, standing beside them.]

Rikki: "Emma's new shoes." They turn to look around, hands on hips.

Cleo: "There's something just not right about this." Drops her hands.

Rikki: they turn to look back, facing the water. "That's the understatement of the year."

"More like of the decade," Zane muttered. "What makes you say that? Is it Emma acting like a total goofball or the sardines?" Kim asks sarcastically. Cleo rolls her eyes playfully.

Lewis: walks up to them and stands in between them, sighing. "I've been looking everywhere for you guys. Have you seen Emma?"

Cleo: bends down to pick up the shoes and shows them to him. "We found these. And they're –." Before she could finish talking, the full moon comes out from up under the clouds, revealing itself to them. Rikki and Cleo pause, slowly turning to stare at it as if they were in a trance; almost the same way as Emma was.

"Oh no, not you guys too!" Elliot says in worry. Terry and Cleo's family watch with worry and fear, afraid that they might fall for the same thing that happened to Emma. Cleo, who noticed their facial features, their eyes filling with worry, tries calming them down. "Don't worry, we didn't get moon spelled like she did." "Not that night at least," Rikki mumbles. "But how?" Kim asks, wide-eyed, hoping her sister did not turn crazy like Emma did. "Guess the moon wasn't strong enough," Rikki shrugs, not really knowing for sure. "Only on powerful full moons, it can," Mrs. Chatham informs them, confusing everyone else on how she knows so much.

The girls shiver at the reminder of the last full moon they experienced, from when they got their new powers. They only hope that it doesn't show their dangerous new 'upgrade.' Lewis squints, still thinking about the planetary alignments, thinking it has something to do with that before focusing back on the screen.

Lewis: hands on hips, he looks at Cleo. "Are they Emma's?" After getting no response, he tries again. "Cleo, are they Emma's?" Still no reply as they focus on the moon's power. Noticing her dazed look, he tries snapping his fingers in front of her face, to no effect. "Rikki." He turns to her and sees she is in the same state. Snapping his fingers again, she doesn't budge. He turns back to Cleo, trying to get her attention again. "Cleo." He pokes her, but she doesn't flinch. He glances at the moon and notices that it gets covered by the clouds. Smirking, and beginning to get the idea, he holds his arm up and aims to slap Rikki. Swinging his hand at her, she quickly blocks it with her arm.

Rikki: turns to him, glaring, and holds up a finger. "That, would be a big mistake."

"Did you just try to slap my daughter?" Terry glares at him but is utterly relieved that Cleo was right about them not being moon spelled. "No!" Lewis shouts, shaking his head quickly, yet nervously, thinking that he might get in trouble again.

"Death sentence, Lewis! Seriously, what is wrong with you? Even I wouldn't do something that stupid!" Zane says, shocked that Lewis would even dare to try something ridiculous like that. Especially if he almost tried to hit his girlfriend!

"But, you guys didn't even budge," Will says. Cleo sighs, nodding towards the screen. "When that happens, it's like we are in our own world, but we can't do anything. We can't hear or feel anything at all."

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