Control (Part 2)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 67: Control (part 2)


[Lewis was typing on his laptop at a table outside of the cafe, grinning as he looks at the records of the storm from the other day on Mako. His computer begins to beep rapidly before the screen goes black.]

Lewis: "No." Shakes his head in disbelief and slaps his laptop keyboard. "No, no, no! I don't believe this!" In the background, Charlotte gets a juice from the counter with her bag over her shoulder. She spots him having his little tantrum, then walks over. "That's cool. That's really cool."

"Why are you looking at a recorded radar of Mako?" Don asked. "I thought I might see a connection between the girls' powers and the storm from the other night," Lewis answered. "Remember, Lewis, science is never the answer for magic," Mrs. Chatham chided gently.

"Ooph, battery fried?" Max winced. "Battery died," Lewis nodded, glum.

"What are you doing there?" Annette asked her curiously. "I heard everybody at school talking about the Juicenet, so I wanted to try it out. It's actually really good, a lovely place to hang out," Charlotte remarked. "That's what we say all the time," Emma grinned as she gestured to her and the other students of the local high school ... which was only four of them. Well, five if you include Zane. Even the adults loved Juicenet, though they never get to go much due to their jobs and other responsibilities like their kids. "Huh, might have to check it out some time," Annette hummed.

Charlotte: goes over to his table. "You okay?"

"Never better," Lewis chuckled.

Lewis: leans back. "Yeah, uh, just ... my battery died."

"Why didn't you charge it before you left home?" Emma asked. "I did," Lewis said. "You did? But those batteries should last for hours," Denman frowned. "... how long have you been there?" Harrison asked a bit concerned. "Uhhhh," Lewis hesitated, unsure of the answer himself. "Lewis," Cleo groaned in complaint, slapping her forehead. "It was after your shift. So maybe ... a couple of hours," Lewis shrugged. "But the program I was using would drain my percentage faster, so there's that." "Still not good. You need to take a break from some stuff when you're stuck," Max told him.

Charlotte: "Well, I've got my computer here." Puts her drink down on the table and starts rummaging through her bag. "Looks like the same model. You can use my battery."

"Charlotte. I bought you that computer," Annette frowned. "What, mom? It's just a battery. It's no big deal," Charlotte blushed, looking away. "But those batteries cost money," Annette sighed, shaking her head.

Cleo frowned. She let him use her battery? That's awful friendly of someone that they just met.

"Well, isn't that lucky," Ash smiled. "Yeah, a real coincidence," Don raised an eyebrow. "It was a popular model," Lewis tilted his head.

Lewis: "Really? Well, that'll be great." Closes his laptop.

"You weren't worried about any viruses?" Will asked. "Nah., I got an anti-virus server on my laptop thanks to the Korean software I have downloaded, so I didn't need to worry about it. The only way it could break through is if it were major," Lewis said. "Clever," Denman nodded.

Charlotte: "So, what are you working on that's so important?"

Lewis: flips his laptop over and pulls the battery out from the back. "Well, I'm actually researching merrrr – raculous natural phenomena." Glances up at her.

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