The Denman Affair (Part 1)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 20: The Denman Affair (part 1)


Rikki looks around while her hands move in front of her, her tail moving in motion with the water. She smiles as she takes in the wonderful view of the ocean. The luxurious, colorful reefs. The many different styles of all types of fish as they swim past her, both in schools and alone. The strange, yet beautiful creatures of the ocean. And the two dolphins who are currently swimming alongside her.

She looks over to one of the dolphins and can't help but smile as it cackles at her when it returns the look. "Rikki, wake up," she could've sworn that was what she heard, the lips of the dolphin moving along with the voice. She stops swimming and turns to the dolphin, frowning. Suddenly, the water around her becomes violent, shaking tremendously, and the voice gets louder. "Rikki, wake up!"

Rikki lunges forward in bed, her eyes shooting open, gasping for air. She looks around the room frantically, the room that was mostly empty; until she notices Emma beside her bed, shaking her awake. "It's about time you woke up," Emma grins, already dressed for the morning. "Huh?" Rikki said, deeply confused as to why she was here. Suddenly, the memories from last night flood her brain. Groaning, she plops back down onto her pillow and buries her hands into her face. "Oh great, we're still here," Rikki complains.

Emma chuckles and backs away from the bed heading towards the bathroom. "Yup. Now get up. We need to go get breakfast. Cleo, Kim, and Bella left already so hurry up." Rikki groans again, but this time, she grudgingly gets out of bed and prepares for the day.

Making their way to the breakfast room, they find Bella, and several of the older people already in their seats, eating breakfast. They can only assume that Bella must have been awake before them since Cleo and Kim weren't there yet.

When they open the door to the buffet room, they notice that the food has somehow changed. It was no longer seafood, or the familiar drinks; instead, in its place, was eggs, both scrambled and sunny side up, toast with jelly on the side, grits, fruit slices, milk, orange, apple, and grape juice, and so much more. It almost made Rikki want to drool. They both hurry to get their plates, along with everyone else. And get back to their seats from the day before, where Cleo and Lewis await them.

"You two sure took your time," Cleo teased. "Mrs. Early Bird here was a little late getting up," Emma joked. "Well maybe next time, you should use your power to wake me up, or maybe the new one," Rikki shot back, raising an eyebrow. Emma sighs, still confused about how the water from last night was turned into jelly. It couldn't have been her. Could it?

"I'm telling you guys, it wasn't me. I freeze things. Not turn stuff into jelly. I didn't do anything!" "Then how else would it have happened. It couldn't have been me or Rikki. It's nowhere near close to the relation of our power," Cleo mentioned, tilting her head as she takes a bite of toast. "I don't know," Emma shrugged, eating an apple slice.

"Will you please quiet down! Some of us didn't get much sleep last night," Lewis whined, rubbing his eyes. "Seems like you're not the only one," Cleo said, nodding her head to Charlotte, her dad, and Denman, as they all seem to be holding in the urge to yawn, stretching their limbs out to keep from falling back asleep. "Hopefully, it won't be as bad tonight," Rikki muttered, going back to her food.

Meanwhile, Bella pokes at her pancakes with a fork, distracted by the conversation she just heard. Not the mentioning of the sleep, but about the mysterious jelly that seemed to have appeared in a cup last night. She remembered them talking about it when she came out of the bathroom last night, but now that they were bringing it back up again, she couldn't help but get nervous over the thought.

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