Dr. Danger (Part 2)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 60: Dr. Danger (part 2)


[The girls plus Lewis sat at a table inside the cafe, hanging out as Emma talks about her troubles at home. Rikki leans her head back, looking anywhere else but at the 'lovely' couple sitting next to her.]

Emma: "My whole family hates me, and there's nothing I can do about it."

"You could tell them the truth," Bella suggested. Her parents understood when she told them. Shocked and took a while, but they understood. If their parents loved them, then they most likely would understand them too. Clearly, they do as they seem to have taken it quite well so far. But then again, you never know what a person's reaction will be to something this shocking. Especially from someone you've known literally your whole life. "Not an option at the time," Emma looked down.

"We didn't hate you. We were just surprised, that's all," Lisa defended themselves. "I know that now mom," Emma said with a small smile. But Elliot was definitely angry. I've never seen him that angry before.

Cleo: "I'm sure that's not true."

Emma: "They do. Especially Elliot." Cleo goes back to smiling at Lewis as he draws a heart in a pile of sand that he poured on the table. The same heart as the one in the mooncave on Mako Island. "I mean, he's just a little kid. He doesn't deserve to go without his holidays."

"You guys weren't even paying attention!" Emma scoffed. "We were. I wouldn't have responded otherwise," Cleo exclaimed. "And what about him?" Emma jabbed her thumb at Lewis. "I was listening," Lewis crossed his arms.

"I'm not a little kid. I'm eleven, a preteen," Elliot protested, the audience chuckling. "Still little, kiddo," Rikki grinned as she rubbed his hair, making Elliot pout.

"Why not just go on the holiday with them and just stay away from water?" Sam asked. "Because if I did, I would have just had to stay inside the resort room the entire holiday. There was water everywhere we went," Emma told her. "And now that I think about it, that probably would have only made her miserable. Us spending time in the water without her. Her family having fun and she couldn't join in," Lisa sighed in understanding. And us not knowing why, begging her to join us, but she would keep on refusing.

Emma: notices Lewis not paying attention. "Lewis? Are you listening to me, Lewis?"

Lewis: raises an eyebrow. "What?"

Emma: "This is important."

Lewis: "Oh, I'm – I'm listening." Just then, someone walks in through the beaded curtains and heads right for their table.

"Sure, you were," Emma shook her head at him for his earlier comment. "That face definitely says he was," Charlotte giggled, trying not to focus on their lovey-dovey aura.

Emma: "You know, I'm really starting to hate this whole mer –." The person comes up to them, revealing themself as Dr. Denman.

Dr. Denman: "Lewis."

"You were gonna say mermaid thing, weren't you?" Max assumed. "Mermaid thing, mermaid business. I dunno. But it was gonna start with mermaid obviously," Emma shrugged.

"It can be a pain sometimes," Cleo grumbled. "Yeah, no kidding," Bella mumbled. This is coming from someone who's been a mermaid for seven years now. She understands the struggle. Not being able to swim with people without revealing the secret, having to avoid getting a drop of water on yourself, and keeping control of your powers. So many lies, so many secrets to hide, and hardly anyone to trust. It's quite a bit of responsibility and a struggle to keep hidden.

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