Dr. Danger (Part 1)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 59: Dr. Danger (part 1)


[It was a beautiful day at Mako Island, both on and off the island, above and under the surface. But to a certain couple, nothing could compare to the beauty of the sea. Near the reefs of Mako swam Lewis, with his goggles and flippers, watching the fish as he passes by. One fish, in particular, kept a very close eye on him, as she peeks from behind a reef, smiling mischievously at him, unaware that he was being watched. Cleo ducks back behind the reef.]

"What are you two doing?" Elliot asked. "Well, she was playing hide-and-seek. I, on the other hand, was trying to enjoy our date," Lewis explained, giving Cleo an amused look, which she gladly returned. "You two were on a date?" Charlotte asked. "Yeah, it was our one-week anniversary I believe," Lewis nodded, not realizing how quiet she was. "Doesn't look like much," Kim said. "Not every date has to be over-the-top. Some just need to be in a place that's very special to our hearts. Like Mako," Cleo smiled. "All that mattered was that we were together. Cleo got to enjoy her time as a mermaid while showing me her 'world'," Lewis explained. "It was amazing." "I can smell the cheesiness from here," Rikki scrunched up her nose.

Don tried to remember what excuse they came up with so he wouldn't know where their actual date was taking place during that time. He was slightly annoyed that they lied to him but didn't let it bother him too much since Cleo looked so happy.

[Lewis continues to swim and enjoy the many fish that graze by him when out of the corner of his eye, he spots a large orange tail go behind a reef. One guess as to who that could belong to. He goes to chase after her but stops when he feels something grab one of his flippers. He swiftly turns around, only to find his girlfriend smiling at him.]

"Scared you, Lewis?" Zane chuckled. "You never know what's out there at Mako. Mermaids, dolphins, sharks," Lewis said giving him a pointed look.

"How'd you get around there so fast?" Will asked, a bit impressed. "Speed-swimming," Cleo shrugged as if it were obvious. "Oh yeah, forgot," Will said.

"So, what excuse did you guys use for this secret date?" Don asked, his eyebrow raised in suspicion. "I think we said we were going out on the boat," Lewis grinned sheepishly, to which Don scowled. "Technically dad, we did go out on the boat. We just didn't say where," Cleo smiled, but Don didn't let up. "Oh, let it go, Don. As long as they were happy and safe," Bev shook her head. "I guess. At least we now know where they really were. But, please be honest with me next time," Don sighed.

[Lewis goes up for air, and Cleo follows. The two of them break the surface, letting the sea salt air fill their lungs.]

Cleo: "Caught you."

Lewis: goggles still on. "Aha. Did you now?"

"Yes, yes she did," Bella laughed, enjoying the adorable date onscreen. She wished she could have one like that; but sadly, no other ones besides her fellow mermaid friends and Mrs. Chatham knew what she was. For now.

Cleo: looks towards Mako. "Want to go to the moon pool?"

Lewis: "Yeah, sure. I'll just get out and walk around."

"Did you forget about the underwater entrance?" Rikki asked. "No, I remembered, hence why I said 'I' instead of 'we.' But I've never swam in before and I didn't think I could make it since the last time I tried, Emma told me that it was too deep and long of a distance for any average person. But luckily, I was able to with the right equipment this time," Lewis answered.

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