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(this is my first attempt on a rant)

i like math, okay? i know most of the world's population may disagree with me on this, but for me, math is fun. and i just started to really enjoy it two weeks ago.

why do we hate math? (or in my situation, why did i?)

well, first of all, it's just fucking mean okay? the numbers are just too much, and then the alphabet became playmates with them. like wtf can you please give us a break? like why do i even need to to learn this?

"i'm pretty sure i wont need this when i grow up because when i get older ill be in my own damn cave sleeping with my 5sos cardboard cut-outs. obviously, there's no math in there."

second, the teacher sucks. yeah she might be a good teacher, but she sucks.

"she's boring. "

"i don't understand her. "

"she's old. "

"idk, man i just don't think she's the type to have cardboard cut-outs of anyone."

but really it's fun. when you start to actually understand it, and when you get blessed by god and he gives you an amazeballs teacher, it'll be alright.

so umm just pray or something.

i hope someone is with me on this.

idk. i suck.

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