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there are two kinds of people:

those who forgive easily, and those who don't

i fit in the former actually. i tend to forgive people so easily no matter what the cause. it's just that there are times that even though they're the ones sorry, i feel guilty for not forgiving them. i feel so bad whenever a person says sorry to me and i don't forgive them.

that's why i always forgive people easily.

now i don't know if this is a good thing or not, but it seems like it's the latter, because it's like they're starting to be abusive. i feel like when they say sorry to me now, it's not that sincere anymore because they know i'd forgive them.

and every time that they say sorry, i feel like it's become some sort of mantra to them because they're already so used to saying it. and it feels like "it's okay" has been my mantra as well even though it really isn't okay

and then there's the latter: people who don't forgive easily

these are the people that are probably so done. they're probably so fucked up with the person and pissed off at them because that person probably did something horrible to them.

but you know, they can sometimes be over the top. like, they could get mad at the littlest things. they're probably mad at the person because that person lost her pen or something idk

i just. all i'm saying is that i hope you don't fall in any of the two categories. i'm telling you to be in between.

there are times that you can let things pass easily, but there are also situations in which you have to stop being too nice. but even though how harsh the situation is, please always know how to forgive.

people commit mistakes, they could be intentional or not, but even so, learn to forgive. don't be cold- hearted. (no i will not do a frozen reference) 

that is all.

so yeah i'm sorry if this wasn't so good 

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