annoying people 1.0

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yes i'm finally about to do a real rant. i put 1.0 bc i think i'll be doing more later. anyways, to the rant

1. slow walkers

i don't really hate slow walkers. there are just times that they really annoy me. like when i'm in a hurry, and i can't find a way around them so i have to stay behind their heel. it even stresses me sometimes bc when i'm so close to finally making it past them, they suddenly just halt or a wall just magically appears before me. i mean, why????

2. people at the theatre who basically tell the whole story already

you know when you honestly just want to watch a movie and feel the excitement and nervousness of what' going to happen, but there's someone who is literally saying what's going to happen nexT??? IT'S ANNOYING PLEASE DON'T DO IT. i'm sure you don't want to be spoiled about everything right? i mean, i may as well just went to a storytelling session or something gosh

i try my best to be funny.  *sigh* i've lost my humor. anyways, i'll be doing more later on bc i have to eat BYE

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