3 Selling Shadows

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As the vampires pulled Ariella and her brother deeper into the forest, their hands bound tightly together by rough ropes, Ariella winced as the coarse fibers dug into her wrists, leaving painful marks.

"Don't lose hope," Aaron murmured, his voice a faint beacon of courage amidst the encroaching darkness.

As Aaron's words of encouragement echoed in the darkness, Ariella couldn't help but feel a wave of despair wash over her. The pain of her bound wrists seemed insignificant compared to the overwhelming sense of hopelessness that consumed her.

She knew that hope was a fragile thing, easily shattered by the harsh reality of their situation.

Ariella's mind was plagued by haunting thoughts of the horrors that awaited them at the hands of the vampires. The mere idea of the tortures they might endure sent shivers down her spine, her imagination conjuring images of unspeakable cruelty.

The prospect of facing unimaginable pain and suffering filled her with a bone-deep dread, her heart heavy with the weight of impending doom.

How long would they be kept captive, Ariella wondered, before their inevitable demise? Hours? Days? The thought of lingering in torment, waiting for death's cold embrace, made her stomach churn with dread.

As they trudged forward, the thought of being separated from her brother at the auction gnawed at Ariella's heart like a relentless beast. Would she ever see him again, she wondered, or would they be torn apart forever by the cruel hands of fate?

The uncertainty hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their every step. But even in the face of such bleak odds, Ariella refused to give up. She may not see a way out now, but she clung to the flicker of hope deep within her, praying that it would be enough to see them through the darkness that lay ahead.

Yet, a sense of unease settled over them, the silence of the forest heavy with unseen threats. They shuffled forward, each step a struggle against the pain of their bindings.


As the vampires led Ariella and her brother through the winding forest paths, the distant glow of torches signaled their approach to the auction site. With each step, Ariella's heart pounded with a mixture of dread and resignation, knowing that they were about to enter a realm of darkness from which there might be no escape.

The clearing before them was alive with a sinister energy, the air thick with the scent of fear and desperation.

As they were ushered into the dimly lit building, Ariella's heart raced with a mixture of fear and desperation. The sight of the other captured humans huddled together only served to heighten her sense of dread. She looked at her brother unwilling to be separated from him in this sea of uncertainty.

But as the vampires attempted to divide them into separate rooms, panic surged through Ariella's veins. With a fierce determination, she resisted their grasp, refusing to be torn away from her brother's side. In the chaos that ensued, a vampire's hand lashed out with inhuman strength, striking Ariella across the face with a force that sent her reeling.

Pain exploded behind her eyes as she crumpled to the ground, the room spinning wildly around her. Dizziness washed over her in relentless waves, threatening to pull her into unconsciousness.

Through the haze of agony, Ariella felt herself being dragged across the cold floor, her limbs limp and unresponsive. She struggled to stay conscious, her brother's voice a distant echo in her ears as she was carried away to join the rest of the captive humans.

As she lay among the others, bruised and battered, Ariella's resolve hardened. She now knew it was not wise to resist against those foul creatures.


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