13 Faltering Shadows

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As they stride towards the dining hall, Queen Evelyn maintains a regal composure, her gaze fixed ahead. Without so much as a glance towards Ariella, she delivers her instructions with a cold, neutral tone, commanding the girl's attention.

"You will not look anyone in the eyes unless instructed to," the queen states firmly, her voice carrying authority as she sets the expectation for Ariella's behavior in the presence of others.

Ariella's heart clenches with fear at the queen's words, a chilling reminder of the last time she stood in the grandeur of the hall. The memories flood back, each one a painful echo of the humiliation and torment she endured.

She shudders, her steps faltering for a moment as she fights to suppress the rising tide of panic. The thought of facing the scrutinizing gazes of the royal court sends a shiver down her spine, her mind awash with dread at the prospect of being subjected to their judgment once again.

As the queen's footsteps echo off the marble floors, Ariella's heart quickens its pace, a drumbeat of apprehension in her chest. She feels the air grow heavy with tension as they draw nearer to the dining hall, the anticipation of what awaits weighing on her like a leaden cloak.

When the queen comes to an abrupt stop, Ariella nearly stumbles, her body tensing in anticipation of the impending confrontation. With a fluid grace, the queen pivots to face her, her gaze piercing and unwavering, a silent demand for compliance.

"Answer me," the queen's voice cuts through the silence like a whip crack, sharp and commanding. Each word drips with authority, leaving no room for hesitation or evasion. Ariella's pulse races at the sound, her breath catching in her throat as she struggles to form a response.

The intensity of the queen's gaze feels like a physical weight pressing down on Ariella's shoulders, threatening to crush her beneath its unyielding force. She feels exposed, laid bare under the scrutiny of those piercing eyes, unable to escape their penetrating gaze.

In the face of such dominance, Ariella's resolve falters, her voice barely a whisper as she finally manages to speak. "Yes, my queen," she murmurs, her words barely audible in the oppressive silence that surrounds them. With downcast eyes, she waits for the queen's next command, her heart pounding in her chest as she braces herself for whatever comes next.

With a curt nod, the queen abruptly resumes her brisk pace, leaving Ariella little option but to trail behind obediently.

A fleeting pang of guilt tugs at the queen's conscience, knowing she had been harsh with Ariella. Yet, she understands the necessity of her stern demeanor. The queen recognizes the importance of conveying the seriousness of her demands to Ariella, especially considering the volatile nature of their situation. It's crucial to ensure that Ariella comprehends the gravity of her instructions, minimizing any potential risks that could arise from her interactions with the queen's siblings.

As they arrive at the doors of the dining hall, the guards stationed there immediately swing them open, offering a deep and reverent bow to the queen as Ariella follows closely behind. Their demeanor exudes not just respect, but a palpable sense of fear, their eyes downcast in deference to the queen's authority. The grandeur of the hall envelops them as they step inside, the opulent decor and rich furnishings a testament to the royal family's status and power. Ariella feels a sense of trepidation as she enters, acutely aware of her position as an outsider in this lavish setting.

Queen Evelyn, followed by Ariella, step inside to find the royal siblings already present. Lord Reynald, with his imposing stature, stands by the table, his expression stern yet respectful. The other siblings, their faces a blend of curiosity and deference, remain standing as a mark of respect for the queen.

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