6 Shadows Embrace

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As the morning sun filters through the windows of her chamber, Ariella awakens with a groan, the pain from her injuries a harsh reminder of the events of the previous day. Despite the comfort of the bed, she struggles to find a position that eases the ache in her ribs, cheekbone and wrists.

Ariella gingerly sits up, wincing as she adjusts her position, the dull ache in her ribs persisting with each movement. She casts a weary glance around the room, the opulent surroundings a stark contrast to the turmoil within her.

With a resigned sigh, Ariella carefully swings her legs over the edge of the bed, steeling herself for the day ahead. Despite her desire to rest and recuperate, she knows that she must find a way to push through the pain, to face whatever challenges lie in wait.

As she rises from the bed, a soft knock echoes through the room, interrupting her thoughts. Ariella's heart skips a beat as she turns towards the door, uncertain of who could be calling so early in the morning. With cautious steps, she approaches the door, her curiosity piqued and her apprehension mounting.

Ariella gingerly opens the door to find a maid in a crisp uniform standing before her, a warm smile gracing her lips. Relief washes over Ariella as she meets the maid's kind gaze, a glimmer of hope flickering in the depths of her weary eyes.

"Good morning," the maid says softly, her voice gentle and reassuring. "I'm Elena, and I've been tasked to help you get ready. May I come in?"

Ariella nods gratefully, stepping aside to allow Elena entry into her chambers. As Elena crosses the threshold, Ariella can't help but feel a sense of relief at the kindness being shown to her. With a silent prayer for strength, she braces herself for the day ahead, knowing that she is not alone in her struggles.

Elena informs Ariella that she'll be employed as a palace maid and that she was tasked with assisting Ariella in getting prepared.

As Elena helped Ariella, she explained the duties and responsibilities that came with being a palace maid. She patiently guided Ariella through the process of getting ready, ensuring that she was properly attired and equipped for her new role. Throughout their preparations, Elena offered words of encouragement and support, reassuring Ariella that she would be there to help her every step of the way.

While Elena's attention was momentarily drawn to something outside the window, Ariella's gaze wandered, and she noticed a faint bite mark on Elena's neck. Curiosity piqued, Ariella glanced down and spotted another mark on Elena's wrist, hidden beneath the fabric of her sleeve.

A chill ran down Ariella's spine as she realized the significance of the marks. Questions flooded her mind, but she hesitated to voice them, unsure of how Elena would react. With a quick glance towards Elena, who remained unaware of Ariella's discovery, Ariella couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach.

Summoning her courage, Ariella cleared her throat, breaking the silence that hung between them. "Elena," she began tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper, "how... how do the vampires truly treat you here?"

Elena's eyes flickered with a mixture of fear and resignation as she met Ariella's gaze. "It's... it's worse than you think," she murmured, her voice trembling. "We're nothing more than cattle to them. They use us as blood bags, as... as... everything."

Ariella's blood ran cold at Elena's words, the horror of the truth crashing over her like a wave. The bite marks on Elena's neck and wrist suddenly took on a sinister significance, a stark reminder of the brutality of their existence in the palace.

As they continued their preparations, Ariella couldn't tear her eyes away from Elena's frail form, now noticing the pallor of her skin and the exhaustion etched in her features. It was then that the full extent of Elena's suffering became painfully clear.

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