7 Royal Feast

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Evelyn's POV

As Queen Evelyn sat at the table in the dining hall, her senses keenly attuned to her surroundings, she couldn't shake the unmistakable presence of Ariella. Even from the other room, Evelyn could feel the waves of pain radiating from the young maid, a tangible reminder of the hardships she endured.

Ariella's scent, a delicate mixture of innocence and vulnerability, lingered in the air, drawing the queen's attention like a magnet. It was a scent that stirred a primal hunger within Evelyn, a reminder of her true nature as a vampire.

With each breath, Evelyn struggled to maintain control over her bloodlust, the temptation to indulge in Ariella's essence a constant battle that tested her resolve. She knew she must tread carefully, must resist the urge to succumb to her instincts, no matter how powerful they may be.

But despite her best efforts, Evelyn couldn't help but feel the familiar stirrings of desire as Ariella's presence lingered nearby. It was a constant reminder of the delicate balance she must maintain, a reminder of the dangers that lurked beneath the surface of her civilized facade.

With a silent prayer for strength, Evelyn forced herself to focus on the task at hand, pushing aside the tantalizing allure of Ariella's scent and steeling herself for the challenges that lay ahead. In the world of politics and power, there was little room for weakness, and Evelyn knew she must remain steadfast in her resolve, no matter the cost.

As Queen Evelyn sat at the head of the grand dining table, her attention was momentarily diverted by the arrival of her sister, Princess Althea, and her mate, Lord Reynald. Althea's entrance was accompanied by a snarky greeting that elicited an exasperated sigh from Evelyn, her sister's penchant for provocation a constant source of irritation.

"Ah, Evelyn, darling sister," Althea drawled, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she took her seat beside the queen. "How positively radiant you look today. Did you conjure up that regal aura all by yourself, or did you have some help from our dear court magicians?"

Evelyn resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her sister's barbed remarks, offering an unbothered response. "Always a pleasure, Althea," she replied.

Beside Althea, Lord Reynald intervened with a diplomatic smile, seeking to lighten the mood with a bit of small talk. "Your Majesty," he addressed Evelyn with a respectful nod, "the palace gardens are truly flourishing this season. Have you had the chance to take a stroll through them recently?"

Evelyn welcomed the change in topic, grateful for Reynald's attempt to steer the conversation away from her sister's snarky comments. "Indeed, Lord Reynald," she replied her irritation momentarily forgotten as she engaged in polite conversation with her sister's mate.

As the atmosphere in the dining hall shifted with Althea and Reynald's arrival, another figure entered the room, drawing the attention of all present. Prince Damien, the youngest sibling of Queen Evelyn, made his entrance with a quiet dignity that belied his position in the line of succession.

Unlike his sister and brother-in-law, Damien lacked the commanding presence and political acumen necessary for kingship. Yet, despite this, he possessed a goodness of heart and a genuine desire to serve his kingdom to the best of his abilities.

As Damien took his place at the table, a sense of familiarity washed over Evelyn. Though she maintained her usual composed demeanor, she felt a subtle warmth in Damien's presence, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they shared as siblings.

"Good evening, sister," Damien greeted Evelyn with a respectful nod, his voice soft yet sincere. "I trust you are well?"

Evelyn nodded in response, her expression neutral as she acknowledged her brother's greeting. "Good evening, Damien," she replied, her tone measured and composed. "I am well, thank you. And yourself?"

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