11 Concealed Intentions

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Lyra, the Queen's personal guard, stood stoically outside the door, her expression unreadable as she waited for Ariella to emerge. Inwardly, she couldn't help but find the task somewhat beneath her station. The idea of fetching a mere human girl from the queen's room seemed trivial and somewhat degrading, as if she were little more than a servant at the beck and call of the young maid.

However, despite her reservations, Lyra knew better than to question the queen's orders. Her loyalty to her sovereign was unwavering, and she would carry out her duties with the utmost diligence and respect, regardless of her personal feelings on the matter. So, with a sense of resigned duty, she remained steadfast outside the door, prepared to escort Ariella to the queen as instructed.

Lyra's journey to becoming the queen's personal guard was one marked by unwavering dedication and unyielding loyalty. From a young age, she had shown promise in the art of combat, her skills honed through years of rigorous training and discipline. When the opportunity arose to serve the queen directly, Lyra seized it with both hands, eager to prove herself worthy of the honor bestowed upon her.

Over the years, as she stood vigilant by the queen's side, Lyra's admiration and respect for her sovereign only deepened. She witnessed firsthand the weight of responsibility that rested upon the queen's shoulders, the sacrifices she made for the good of her people, and the unwavering determination with which she faced every challenge.

Though their relationship was defined by duty and protocol, there existed a mutual understanding between Lyra and the queen, a silent bond forged through shared experiences and unspoken trust. While they may not have been friends in the traditional sense, there was a camaraderie between them that transcended mere professional courtesy.

For Lyra, serving the queen was not just a duty-it was a privilege, an honor, and a sacred trust. She would lay down her life without hesitation to protect her sovereign, to uphold the ideals and values for which the queen stood, and to ensure the safety and prosperity of their kingdom. In Lyra's eyes, there was no greater honor than to serve Queen Evelyn with unwavering loyalty and devotion.

As the young girl cautiously exits the room, her senses on high alert, she takes in the sight of Lyra standing by the door, her expression unreadable. Despite her apprehension, Ariella can't help but feel a sense of unease in the presence of the imposing guard, knowing full well the power she wields within the palace walls.

With each step closer to Lyra, Ariella's heart pounds in her chest, her mind racing with the possibilities of what the queen may have in store for her.

"Follow me," Lyra says with an annoyed expression, her tone bored. As Lyra leads the way, Ariella obediently follows, her steps hesitant and wary.

She casts a nervous glance at the guard, unable to shake the feeling of apprehension that clings to her like a shroud. With each passing moment, the weight of uncertainty presses down upon her, a silent reminder of the precariousness of her situation.

As they navigate through the labyrinthine corridors of the palace, Ariella can feel the weight of the stares that follow her every move. The hungry looks of the other vampires send a shiver down her spine, their gaze stripping her of any semblance of privacy or safety. Despite Lyra's presence beside her, Ariella can't shake the feeling of vulnerability that hangs over her like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over her every step.

Apologies for the confusion. Let me rephrase that.

Lyra couldn't help but notice the hunger in the eyes of the other vampires as they passed, their gazes lingering on Ariella with undisguised desire. Though she acknowledged Ariella's enticing scent, Lyra remained steadfast in her duty as the queen's personal guard. She was not swayed by the primal urges that stirred within others, instead maintaining her focus on ensuring that the human reaches the queen as they made their way through the palace corridors.

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