8 Shadowed Suffering

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As Princess Althea's grip tightened around Ariella's neck, the young maid's vision swam with darkness, her consciousness slipping further into the abyss of unconsciousness. The pain from her head wound throbbed relentlessly, a dull ache that pulsed in time with the pounding of her heart.

In that moment of desperation, when it seemed that all hope was lost, a commanding voice cut through the chaos like a beacon of light in the darkness. "Stop."

The word reverberated through the air, spoken with an authority that brooked no dissent. Ariella's foggy mind struggled to comprehend the source of the command, but even in her weakened state, she recognized the unmistakable tone of Queen Evelyn.

As Princess Althea turned her wrath towards Queen Evelyn, her eyes blazed with fury, her grip on Ariella's trembling form tightening with each passing moment. "You dare interrupt me, sister?" she spat, her voice dripping with venom. "This pathetic human needs to learn her place."

Queen Evelyn's heart clenched with panic as she watched the scene unfold before her. Though she maintained her regal composure, inwardly, she felt a surge of fear for Ariella's safety. The young maid's life hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of oblivion with each passing second.

But even as fear gnawed at her insides, Queen Evelyn knew that she could not show weakness in front of her sister. To do so would be to invite further aggression and cruelty, a risk she could not afford to take.

With a calmness that belied the storm raging within her, Queen Evelyn met her sister's furious gaze head-on. "Release her, Althea," she commanded, her voice steady and unwavering. "This is not the time nor the place for such displays of violence."

Though her words held the weight of authority, Queen Evelyn knew that they might not be enough to sway her sister's anger. In that moment, she prayed silently for Ariella's safety, knowing that the young maid's fate hung in the balance, dependent on the whims of those who held power over her.

As Princess Althea's defiance echoed through the room, Queen Evelyn's keen gaze swept over the scene before her. In the midst of the tension, she couldn't help but notice the young maid's desperate struggle for breath, her face beginning to turn a dangerous shade of purple.

The sight sent a surge of panic coursing through Queen Evelyn's veins, her heart hammering in her chest as she realized the gravity of the situation.

Inwardly, Queen Evelyn cursed the circumstances that had led to this perilous moment, knowing that Ariella's fate now rested in her hands. But even as fear gripped her heart, she forced herself to maintain her outward composure, unwilling to show any sign of weakness in front of her sister.

Princess Althea's grip on Ariella unyielding as she turned a suspicious gaze upon Queen Evelyn. "And why should I listen to you, sister?" she challenged, her tone laced with skepticism. "Why this sudden concern for a mere human who has clearly overstepped her bounds?"

Queen Evelyn's mind raced for a solution to diffuse the escalating tension. In a split second, she concocted a plausible excuse to appease her sister's suspicions.

"The scent of the girl's blood appeals to me," Queen Evelyn stated coolly, her voice carrying a note of authority. "I may want to deal with her myself, in private."

The suggestive undertone in Queen Evelyn's words hung in the air, hinting at a course of action that left little to the imagination. It was a calculated move, designed to divert attention away from Ariella's perilous predicament and buy them precious time to address the situation.

Though her heart clenched with guilt at the deception, Queen Evelyn knew that it was necessary to protect Ariella from further harm.

As Queen Evelyn's gaze remained fixed upon Princess Althea, a flicker of relief washed over her as the pressure around Ariella's neck suddenly lifted. With a gasp for air, Ariella collapsed to the floor, her body trembling from the ordeal.

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