15 Bonds in Bloom

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Ariella's gaze lingers on the queen, studying her features with a mixture of curiosity and reverence. In the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy above, the queen appears ethereal, her beauty illuminated by the soft glow of the garden.

There's a vulnerability in the queen's expression, a subtle shift in her demeanor that Ariella can't quite decipher. It's as if, in this moment of quiet solitude, the queen has shed the weight of her crown and revealed the woman beneath-a woman with hopes and fears, dreams and desires, just like anyone else.

But amidst Ariella's observation, another sensation begins to manifest. A subtle, yet intoxicating aroma drifts through the air-the scent of flowers mingled with something more elusive, something uniquely captivating. It's the scent of the queen herself, a fragrance so alluring that it sends a shiver down Ariella's spine.

Realization dawns upon her in that moment-she's sitting on a bench next to the queen of vampires, the most powerful being in the realm. The realization sends a surge of nerves coursing through her veins, the weight of her proximity to such a formidable figure settling in the pit of her stomach. Despite her attempts to maintain composure, Ariella can't help but feel a flutter of uncertainty-an awareness of the vast power and influence wielded by the queen seated beside her.

As Ariella's nerves become increasingly apparent, the queen notices the subtle shift in her demeanor, the tension evident in the way she holds herself. Sensing Ariella's unease, the queen decides to break the silence with a gentle question.

"Do you not like reading?" she inquires, her voice soft and curious.

Ariella's breath catches in her throat at the sound of the queen's voice, her nerves momentarily forgotten in the face of the unexpected question. She meets the queen's gaze, her expression shocked.

"What?" Ariella stammers, caught off guard by the sudden inquiry.

The queen offers a reassuring smile, her eyes gentle as she reminds Ariella of their previous encounter in the library. "I noticed you didn't read any books during your time in the library," she explains gently. "Is there a reason for that?"

With her gaze fixed on the ground, Ariella finally admits, her words stuttered, "I... I can't read."

Her voice is barely above a whisper, laced with embarrassment and shame. She braces herself for the queen's response, unsure of how she'll react to this revelation.

As Ariella's confession sinks in, the queen is momentarily stunned, her thoughts consumed by a wave of guilt. She recalls the incident in the library, the way she reprimanded Ariella for not reading any books, and the realization dawns upon her that she may have inadvertently made her feel inadequate.

A pang of sympathy tugs at the queen's heart as she considers Ariella's circumstances-the missed opportunities, the lack of education, the weight of her own expectations. In that moment, she feels an overwhelming sense of pity for the young girl, a longing to offer her comfort and reassurance.

With a soft and compassionate gaze, the queen reaches out to Ariella, her voice a gentle whisper in the quiet of the garden. "Ariella," she begins, her tone warm and reassuring, "if you would like, I can help you learn to read.

Ariella's eyes widen in surprise at the queen's offer, her heart fluttering with a mixture of disbelief and gratitude. She blinks back tears, overwhelmed by the unexpected kindness shown to her. "You would do that for me?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

The queen nods, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Of course, my dear," she replies, her tone filled with genuine sincerity. "

Ariella's face lights up with hope and gratitude, a sense of relief washing over her as she realizes she's not alone. "Thank you, Your Majesty," she says, her voice trembling with emotion. "I... I don't know what to say."

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