12 Scribed Solace

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Queen Evelyn sighed heavily, her expression neutral as she turned her gaze towards Ariella. "From now on, if I can't have you with me, you'll be with Lyra. She'll keep a watchful eye on you." With a sense of resignation, she called for Lyra to enter the room.

Lyra entered the Queen's office, her demeanor serious and composed as she awaited her orders. "Take my pet to get something to eat, she has not eaten since yesterday morning, and then take her to the library to keep her occupied while I attend to my work," the queen instructed, her tone firm.

Right on cue, Ariella felt her stomach painfully twist, a stark reminder of her hunger that she had been too preoccupied to notice until now.

"And remember," she added, her voice taking on a stern edge, "she's my property now. No one else is to touch her without my explicit permission." The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of Ariella's newfound status under the queen's rule.

In the vampire world, claiming a human as one's pet carries significant weight. It signifies ownership and dominance, establishing that the human in question is off-limits to anyone else. This declaration is not taken lightly among vampires, as it solidifies the pet's status as the exclusive property of their master. It's a rule that is universally understood and respected, ingrained in the hierarchy of vampire society.

The queen doesn't like referring to Ariella as her pet, but she understands that in the vampire world, claiming someone as a pet provides a level of protection for that individual. By officially designating Ariella as her pet, the queen can ensure that she is off-limits to anyone else, reducing the risk of harm or exploitation. It's a necessary step to keep Ariella safe, even though it goes against the queen's personal feelings.

After delivering the instructions with a hard exterior, the queen dismisses Ariella and Lyra to go to the library. Ariella stood silently, too afraid to mention to the queen that there wouldn't be much for her to do in the library as she couldn't read.

The thought of admitting her inability to read filled her with embarrassment and shame, despite her genuine desire to learn.

Ariella's inability to read stemmed from her tumultuous upbringing, marked by neglect and indifference from her parents. From a young age, she yearned for the nurturing guidance that most children receive from their parents, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

Her parents, consumed by their own selfish desires and vices, never bothered to teach Ariella anything, let alone the fundamental skill of reading. Instead, she was left to fend for herself, navigating a world of confusion and isolation.

As a child, Ariella would often try to spell out words, grasping at the letters with trembling fingers, but she could never manage to make sense of them. Each attempt ended in frustration and disappointment, reinforcing the crushing sense of worthlessness that had become all too familiar to her.

In the absence of proper guidance and support, Ariella's dreams of literacy remained just out of reach, buried beneath layers of neglect and abandonment. And as she stood there, the echoes of her past failures still haunted her, a painful reminder of the love and care she had never known.

Instead, she kept her head down, suppressing the urge to speak up, and followed Lyra out of the room, her heart heavy with apprehension and uncertainty.

Queen Evelyn watched Ariella leave the room, her heart heavy with reluctance. She longed to keep her close, to protect her from the harsh realities of their world. However, duty called, and she knew she had many responsibilities to attend to.

As Ariella disappeared from view, Queen Evelyn turned back to her desk, her mind already occupied with the tasks ahead. She couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at sending Ariella away, but she also knew that the library held many books and resources that would keep the young girl occupied until she could return to fetch her. With a determined resolve, Queen Evelyn set to work, knowing that she had to focus on her duties for the time being, but promising herself that she would reunite with Ariella as soon as possible.

Enthroned Affection (GxG)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें