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From 1914 to 1945 still the same like in our OTL 'Our Timeline' :

1914 - World War I

1917 - October Revolution

1918 - Central Powers surrender, End of World War I in 1918

1917 until 1923 - Russian Civil War

1922 - Founding of the Soviet Union

1924 - Lenin dies in 1924

1927 - Stalin came to power and Stalin Era begin
1927 - 1955 : Industrialization, Great Purge, Holodomor, Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Winter War, The Baltic States invaded by the Soviet Union, World War II began with Nazi Germany occupying Poland, Benelux and France, Operation Barbarossa and the beginning of Great Patriotic War, Battle of Moscow, Siege of Leningrad, Battle of Stalingrad, Counterattacks by the Soviet Forces, D-Day or Normandy landings, Battle of Kursk, The Nazis were pushed out of Soviet Territory, Liberation of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria finished, Capture of Berlin, Germans Surrender, socialist governments established in Central and Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union, Soviet Union declared war on Japanese Empire, Atomic Bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japanese Surrender, End of World War II, the beginning of Cold War in 1949, NATO and Warsaw Pact Established

1953 - Death of Stalin and Khrushchev came to power

1953 - 1969 : De-Stalinization, Khrushchev Thaw begin, Korean War, Hungarian Revolution, Vietnam War, Space Race begin between USA and USSR, Sputnik-1 as the first satellites in Space, Yuri Gagarin makes the first manned orbital flight with Vostok 1 and made history as the first human in space, Sino-Soviet split, Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev stepped down from power and was replaced by Brezhnev, Brezhnev Era begin, Neil Armstrong headed to the moon with Apollo 11 and became the first person to walk on the moon on July 20, 1969

1970 - in our OTL, there's no Soviet crewed lunar landing but in this Alternative Timeline, in November 1970, the Soviet Union succeeded in sending its first person to the moon with Luna 15 with Alexei Leonov as the second person to ever walk on the moon

1970 - 1990 : Era of Stagnation, Chilean coup d'etat, Fall of Saigon, End of Vietnam War, Détente, Salt-1, New 1977 Constitution, Salt-2, Kosygin dies in 1980, Brezhnev dies and replaced by KGB chief Yuri Andropov in 1982, Andropov dies and replaced by Konstantin Chernenko in 1984, Chernenko dies and replaced by Mikhail Gorbachev as General Secretary of the Communist Party in 1985, began of Glasnost and perestroika reforms by Gorbachev and Chernobyl disaster in 1986, Soviet Forces withdraw from Afghanistan marking the end of the Soviet-Afghan War, Malta Summit with Bush and Gorbachev declared an end to the Cold War, Fall of Berlin Wall, Germany reunited, Eastern Bloc disintegrated and Warsaw Pact dissolved,

1991 - 2019 : On 19th of August 1991 Soviet Army rolls into Moscow and the August Coup begins. State Committee on the State of Emergency is formed, Leaders of the coup are the same as in OTL, y the 20th of August Boris Yeltsin has been found by KGB (lead by Vladimir Kryuchkov) and executed, On the 22nd of August Gorbachev (under house arrest) officially resigned from the position of General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and has handed the position to the vice president of the USSR Gennady Yanayev, with Dmitry Yazov as the defence minister and Boris Pugo the minister of the interior rooting out the final pro-Yeltsin elements from the military and state apparatus the August Coup officially ended on the 27th of August 1991, there was no notable reaction from the public of the USSR considering that besides Gorbachev's resignation, announcement of forming of the State Committee on the State of Emergency and news of Yeltsin's death under "mysterious conditions" there was no TV broadcast of the coup.
Heads of the state aparatuses of various SSRs have supported the coup so there was almost no news of the coup besides Gorbachev's resignation in various SSRs, Only countries who have existed the Union were just Estonia and Latvia who were later re-annexed by the Soviet Forces and with pro-nationalist movements in Lithuania being crushed by swift action of Soviet forces in Kaliningrad Oblast

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