Chapter 56 : The Pride of the Powerful (5)

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Soviet fleet, armored cruise ships SN Zosima Shashkov

Ivanov: The Holy Mirishial Empire and the enemy ship have begun firing at each other. While they're preoccupied, we'll slip past them and try to flee from this battle while waiting for Plasnergy Teleportation system to be activated and can be use straight away!

Captain Ivanov of the armored cruise ships SN Zosima Shashkov announced to his crew and to SN Valery Sablin and SN Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya. They had to swallow down the fear of death that getting so close to a Yamato-class battleship raised in them

Ivanov: Maximum speed, aim for their port side! We'll blow right past them!!!

The Soviet fleet set its course and accelerated

Gra Valkas Empire, Imperal Judgement Force, super-dreadnought Grade Atlastar

The massive battleship pushed aside the seawater, cleaving through the ocean as it sailed. Its 46 cm triple turret guns, of which it had three installed on the ship for a total of nine guns, fired without pause. Their firepower was heretofore unprecedented in this world. The colossal ship's superstructure, in the middle section of the deck, looked like a castle. The high-angle gun turrets all pointing up to the sky evoked the image of a hedgehog. Whether in their old world or in this world, this was the strongest ship

Captain Rockstar glared intensely out to sea from the bridge

Rockstar: Hoh, we can sink them in one shot, I see

He commented to his XO

XO: Yes sir. Indeed, our main guns... the 46 cm guns are quite powerful. Even at this distance, around a dozen kilometers out, it's quite easy to land a hit

It was said that firepower was 3 times a gun's caliber. While they chatted, smoke poured out of another enemy ship from a successful hit, and a fierce blaze surged up before the ship broke in half, the pieces pulled down beneath the waves

Rockstar: Earlier, when we were hit by an enemy shell, I admit that I felt a cold sweat come on. However, it ended up being no more than a glancing blow that left a bit of a dent

XO: This truly is an unsinkable ship

Accompanied by a thunderous roar, the radar-aimed 46 cm triple turret gun fired a huge shell. In consideration of its maximum range of 40 km, the scattered enemies about 10 km away felt positively close

"Enemy Mirishial cruiser has been hit!"

Clouds of black smoke were billowing out of said ship, and its speed fell dramatically

Rockstar: That one's done for... Hm?

A ways away from where the Mirishial ships were, he noticed a pure white ship that simply didn't look like it belonged on a battlefield and two massive gray ships that accompanying it. That was three Soviet ship, the one that the woman from foreign affairs, the division chief Cielia, requested that they sink "for diplomatic purposes." Based on the ship's heading, they were trying to escape from the battle

Rockstar: Now then, as instructed by the foreign affairs eastern otherworld division chief, mark that three cruiser as a priority target

From behind the outdated ships, the three ship picked up speed and pushed forward

Rockstar: As Miss Cielia said before, that's three Soviet ship. It's a vessel that belongs to a country that was also transported here. Just as the reports say, their cannons really are quite tiny

The executive officer muttered to himself while staring at the target through his binoculars

XO: They do appear to be equipped for anti-air combat, but their guns are so small... They must have come here from a pretty peaceful world

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