Chapter 49 : The Situation on Earth

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January 20, 2024

Earth, Japan, capital city Tokyo, Naikaku Sōri Daijin Kantei

In the Japanese Prime Minister's residence, the current incumbent Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida was in his office, doing his usual work as the Japanese Prime Minister but then was interrupted by her secretary's sudden entrance

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

In the Japanese Prime Minister's residence, the current incumbent Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida was in his office, doing his usual work as the Japanese Prime Minister but then was interrupted by her secretary's sudden entrance

Naomi: bowed  i apologize for sudden interruption, Prime Minister, but there's an urgent matter

Her wecretary said, her voice filled with worry

Kishida: What is it?

Naomi: We received reports from residents in northern Hokkaido that at 9:30 this morning, there was a bright of light covering the Sakhalin islands, one of the islands belonging to the Soviet Union for 10 minutes, and JAXA also confirmed this and have taken the pictures from our satellites, and apparently, after that bright of light disappear, the entire vast territory of the Soviet Union disappeared from Earth, replaced by a vast ocean...

Of course, the report really surprised Kishida, especially since Japan was already very dependent on the Soviet Union for oil, gas and other things

Kishida: What?! The Soviet Union disappeared from the Earth?!! How?!!

Naomi: Apparently, that bright of light also covered the entire territory of the Soviet Union, we also had a report from our ambassador to the Soviet Union, Toyohisa Kozuki that he along with several Japanese citizens who were in the Soviet Union suddenly returned to Japan, precisely at the Soviet embassy building in Tokyo, and when they checked the entire building, they didn't find a single Soviet person, they only found our staff, and also we got reports that all Japanese citizens in the Soviet Union suddenly returned to Japan and at the same time all Soviet citizens in Japan suddenly disappeared too..

Kishida: Does this only happen in Japan? Or do all countries experience the same thing as us?

Naomi: We have also contacted the Chinese, Indonesians, all G8 and G20 countries, and we got the same report, all their citizens in the Soviet Union suddenly returned to their respective countries and all Soviet citizens in their countries suddenly disappeared too, just like us, Prime Minister

This was very bad news for Japan, the Soviet Union was always a mediating country for Japan and China, the Soviet Union always reconciled the two countries when Japan and China were in conflict with each other, and it was also the Soviet Union too that made the United States leave all of their military bases in Japan with the signing of the Magadan agreement in 2016 that the USA shall bring it's military away from Japan and at the same time bring the 7th fleet back to the US

The Soviet Union was also an important partner and ally for Japan in the technological and economic fields, especially since Vasily Zhukov become General Secretary, the Soviet economy improved from year to year and even booming, and Fumio Kishida who has served from 2021 as Prime Minister of Japan is inspired by Vasily Zhukov and apparently, Fumio Kishida is a big fan of Vasily Zhukov, and as prime minister, Kishida has stated that his premiership will focus on a "new model of democratic socialism" inspired by the Soviet model

The Motherland In Another World | Summoning Soviet Unionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें