Chapter 27 : The Fury of Giant Bear Part 2

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Parpaldia Empire, imperial capital Esthirant, Emperor Ludius's private room, Days 5, Month 1, 1640

All the wealth in the Third Civilization was concentrated in the capital of Papaldia, and the person who embodied all that national power, Emperor Ludius, lived in the imperial palace. He was chatting in his private room with a silver-haired woman

Ludius: Remille, what do you think of the world, and what do you think of the Parpaldia Empire?

Remille: Yes, Your Grace. While everyone else scrambles around in the dirt, the empire stands at the top of the Third Civilization. We exploit fear in order to control other countries, a method I find extremely efficient

Ludius: Correct. Ruling by fear is necessary in order to expand our national power. The Holy Mirishial Empire and Mu have chosen to live in harmony with their neighbors. It is torturous for our great empire to be ranked below such weak countries. Once we have total control of the Third Civilization, we shall reign supreme as the Great Empire-no, the Eternal Empire of Parpaldia. Eventually, we shall bring the First and Second Civilizations under our heel, uniting the entire world under our rule, which will forever eliminate war and bring about true peace. This is what we envision for the people of the world... Do you understand, Remille?

Remille trembled with emotion. His Grace was truly a magnanimous person

Remille: Your... Your Grace, you have thought so deeply about all the people of the world... I am truly moved

Remille choked, tears welling up in her eyes

Ludius: To accomplish this task, there is much blood that must be spilled. It is an unavoidable sacrifice-a small price to achieve great results. Those standing in the empire's way must be removed

Remille: You are absolutely correct!!!

Ludius: By the way, Remille, what became of the incident with the Kingdom of Fenn and Soviet Union? We would like to hear the results directly from your mouth

Remille: Yes. As Your Grace commanded, the town of Nishinomiyako in Fenn was captured. At that time, our forces captured Soviet ships and 200 Soviet citizens, who proved to be useful in our meeting with Soviet Union. We gave their diplomats our conditions and they refused to come to an immediate decision, so I used the magic image relay crystal to show them their citizens being executed

The emperor smiled faintly

Ludius: Aah... they are surely in a panic right now. As we suggested, simply give them the opportunity to be educated. So, how did they respond?

Remille: As barbarians do, they became upset and raised their voices. Your Grace, I believe it would be better to simply exterminate trash like that. Why should we waste time attempting to educate them?

Ludius: ...We believe that all barbarians should be given an equal chance to avoid oblivion. If they are fools who choose not to take such a chance, then they deserve to be eradicated

Remille: I understand. Your Grace, after Amanoki falls, I will open talks with the Soviet Union again. And then, if they continue to refuse our demands, we will attack Louria and likely start a war of genocide. At that time, I will leave everything to Your Grace's judgment

Ludius: Is that so... it shall be done

Pipipi~ pipipi~...

A bracelet on Remille's left arm began blinking. Her face twisted in irritation

Ludius: That is for official business, is it not? ...We are not discussing any matters of import here, simply having a private conversation. You may answer your magical communications

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