Chapter 30 : The Anguish of the Empire Part 3

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Kingdom of Fenn, the waters off Nishinomiyako, Days 28

The Parpaldia Empire’s imperial navy had 183 ships-of-the-line in their grand fleet of 284 ships. They were getting into combat positions to engage the 16 ships sent by the Soviet Navy. Their 100-gun ships-of-the-line came to the forefront; they were the pinnacle of Parpaldia’s technology and the apotheosis of their pride as a superpower. General Cius observed Soviet fleet from the deck of Parpaldia’s largest, strongest ship, the commander of this enormous fleet, the super-F class ship-of-the-line Pall. This flagship monitored the fleet from its center

Cius: Darda, do you think you’d win?

He asked the captain standing next to him

Darda: With this giant fleet and our latest ships-of-the-line, I don’t think I could even lose against the Holy Mirishial Empire’s famous Zeroth Magic Fleet. Strength in naval combat is based on both the quality and quantity of ships-of-the-line. We have 183 of the best gunboats in the Third Civilization; there does not exist a fleet that can surpass ours. Even if the Soviet Navy’s warships were stronger than ours, they have fewer cannons, and there are only sixteen of them. They’re helpless before our fleet

Captain Darda had absolute confidence

The fleet of ships-of-the-line poured as much magic power as they could into their Tears of the Wind God, filling their sails with wind and tearing forward through the waves. The Soviet Navy advanced with all their ships in strange battle group that they have never seen in their life. General Cius kept constant watch on the Soviet Navy

( A/N: Imagine that this is the ships from Soviet Navy )

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( A/N: Imagine that this is the ships from Soviet Navy )

He had never seen any ships as big as Soviets. They only had a single cannon, installed in the front of the ship. From the size, the cannon was probably similar to the gun turret  found on Mu’s La Kasami. Soviet ships also, just like in the magic pictures he’d seen of the La Kasami in the past, had no sails

He had a bad feeling about them

As far as aggregate firepower, their 100-gun ships-of-the-line had far more


Cius: They’re fast and big

The enemy ships’ size and speed was well beyond their own sense of how fast ships could travel and how big ships the Soviets had. If they were that fast, despite their large size, it would be rather difficult to hit them with their magic cannons

Cius: Well, it’s the same for them…

The Soviet fleet was about ten kilometers away from them. He started to feel tense

Cius: Hm?!

He saw a light, then smoke coming from the mouth of the cannon on the closest Soviet ship

“The enemy ship fired!!!”

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