Chapter 65 : New Comrades From the Far East?! (2)

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We thirst for the seven wailings

We bear the koan of Jericho


[ It was all my fault ]

It wasn't your fault

Yeah, he's right, Comrade

[ My decisions, and everything they caused ]

Don't blame yourself, Comrade


The scene flashes to a certain silver-haired girl pointing her gun at a smart tablet, one riddled with three bullet holes

[ It had to come to this for me to finally realize that you both were right all along ]

The scene began to blurs as the two Soviet person finally realize the surroundings

In front of Sensei and the unknown Soviets sat a girl with long white hair, clad in an equally white military uniform, different from the usual Soviet Army Uniform

She sits in front of a window of train, and the sunset making her hair and uniform have a purple tinge

But we can't see her face though, but for sure she has a scratch on her cheek

And then she begins to speak again

[ So forgive me for being so bold, but I must ask for help ]

No worries, Comrade. You know, me and Sensei over here always help our students/people, no matter what

[ Sensei and Z:"!6+-Sensei ]

[ You both forget these words, but it won't matter ]

[ Even without your memories, you both probably make the same decision in the same situation.. ]

[ Probably, you both know as well as I do, I don't change much ]

[ Therefore, I believe what matters most are the choices we make, not the experiences we have ]

[ There are choices only you two can make ]

The memory of Sensei and unknown Soviets travels back, seeing the flashes of Sensei's students and the Z:"!6+-'s Soviet Union

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