Chapter 25 : Return of Soviet Bear and the Great Eastern War

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Parpaldia Empire, Imperial Capital Esthirant, 1st Foreign Affairs Department, Day 2, Month 1, 1640

3rd Department Head Kyeos had been called over to the 1st department. While the departments did sometimes exchange personnel since they were publicly part of the same governmental organ, it was normally out of the question for a department head to be summoned to another department. However, because the 1st department carried an order from the emperor this time, Kyeos was obligated to show up

The meeting would take place in the department head's office. Kyeos was currently standing in front of the door. No matter how many times he saw that gaudily-ornamented, heavy door, he always hated it

Kyeos: This should have been my room...

As he stood there, those kinds of thoughts crossed his mind


An employee of the 1st department opened the door and led him in. Inside the room, he saw 1st Department Head Elto, Deputy Head Hans, Chief of Sub-Superpower Countries Shiran, and there was also a beautiful woman in her late-twenties sitting by herself

Kyeos bowed to each person in turn

Kyeos: By His Grace the Emperor Ludius's command, I am here at the 1st department to respond to your summons... How may I be of service?

???: You do not know? It appears you have yet to learn to think for yourself

Spat the beautiful woman venomously

Kyeos: I beg your pardon, but may I ask who you are?

Kyeos asked politely

Remille: Remille, from the Foreign Affairs Auditing Office

( A/N: The fucking bitch finally show up )

The Foreign Affairs Auditing Office was established to deal with internal iniquities and cases of deteriorating relations with other countries. When departments were audited in the past, sometimes it resulted in the person leading the department being removed, and sometimes some diplomatic duties were taken over by another department. To avoid questions of status, since the foreign affairs departments were comprised of elites, the auditing office was staffed by members of the imperial family. In other words, the woman before him was royalty. Kyeos lowered his head before Remille

Kyeos: If I may ask again, how may I be of service?

Kyeos asked even-temperedly

Remille: We are here to talk about Soviet Union, If I remember correctly, the 3rd foreign affairs department is responsible for countries outside the civilized area, and the head of that department is Kyeos, in other words: you. However, His Grace's exact words were to 'meticulously educate Soviet Union.' I saw the notes for the first meeting with the Soviet Union. Why were they treated like state guests? Since the Soviet Union only has one assigned diplomat, I do not need anyone else's necks, thus I tell you directly that you were diplomatically weak-no, even worse, it was a diplomatic capitulation. For someone representing the empire to be so... if you were unable to fathom His Grace's will... I can only say that it was pathetic, Kyeos

Kyeos felt sweat beading on his brow. Remille continued speaking

Remille: Kyeos, for any future dealings with the Soviet Union, the 3rd department will no longer be necessary; the 1st department shall take over. I will temporarily leave the Foreign Affairs Auditing Office and join the 1st Foreign Affairs Department, and take over as the diplomat in charge of all issues concerning the country of Soviet Union. Kyeos... fools who are unable to discern His Grace's intentions are not needed in the empire. You shall not be dismissed due to this incident; I hope you are grateful for that. Watch your conduct carefully in the future

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