Chapter 13 : Fall of Louria

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Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 6, Day 29, Kingdom of Louria, Capital City Jin-Hark

This capital city was constructed above a gentle hill, giving it the appearance of a city sticking out from a mountain if seen from afar. Then the summit of this city, where the King resides, was the towering edifice of Hark Castle

At first, it looked like a mountain castle, but there was no slope of a mountain.
Surrounding the prosperous royal capital was three layers of walls, furthermore, the other side of the wall was nothing more than a plain covered by short grass. As one traveled through the cobbled road that crisscrossed this plain towards the capital, they would see the city rose behind the walls, as if it was a humongous fortress. In addition, from within the city, one could see the endless plain beyond the wall, which gave the citizen of the Capital felt that they were special

The triple walls height in order from the outermost layer were 20 meters, 25 meters, and 30 meter, Each wall was a structure constructed so they would impede invaders while the defender could repulse them with bow and arrows from atop the walls

It was like they were protected by the impregnable iron wall. After annexing numerous surrounding countries, the Kingdom of Louria become the largest nation on the Rodenius Continent, so there was no more country that could attack its capital city. Even if a rebellion rose up and a large army arrived at the capital by surprise, the three walls' defense would obstruct the enemy's progress while Louria could make preparation to counter-attack the enemy by overwhelming force and annihilate them. These walls not only aimed for hostile forces inside the Rodenius Continent, but also as a defensive measure against invasion from the powerful states of the Civilized Lands

At Hark Castle, a council of war was about to be held

The main members of the council were 3 people:

- Kingdom's Defense Knights Order's General, Patagene,

- One of the Three Great Generals: Miminel

- The Head of the Royal Magicians, Yamirei

Other than them, there were many other military officers in attendance. The members of the Kingdom's Defense Knights Order, the Captain of the Capital's Defense Infantry Battalion, the Royal Dragoon Knights, and other units that were essential for national defense were all present. A man wearing a black robe was present as an observer

However, every face of the attendees were grasped by a dark expression.

Presiding officer: We will now open the council

The presiding officer declared the start of the meeting

Presiding Officer: General Patagene, may you please explain the current situation

Prompted by the presiding officer, Patagene stood up

His face, which was always full of confidence, was now filled with exhaustion and became a shadow of his former self.

Patagene: Everybody, my deepest gratitude for your presence in this emergency meeting. I will now explain the current status of Qua-Toyne invasion operation...... on the war this time, in the opening of the conflict, our army had succeeded in capturing the town of Gim, the border city of Qua-Toyne Principality. By using the opportunity while the enemy attention was directed on the land battles, we send a great fleet of 4,400 warships and 140,000 soldiers to invade Trade City Maihark. Our plan was on good progress up until this point

He paused his words as he took a deep sigh

Patagene: At that time, the nation of Soviet Union entered an alliance with the Qua-Toyne Principality and announced its participation in the war. It seemed that the Soviet Union did not recognize us as a nation, but as uncivilized barbarians instead

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