Chapter 8 : Great Naval Battle of Rodenius

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Central Calendar year 1639, April 25, Port of Myhark

In response to the 4,000-ship fleet dispatched by the Kingdom of Louria, at the naval base in Myhark's port, Qua-Toyne's 2nd fleet was finally sending off its warships. Each ship folded its sails and gathered in the port. Sailors double-checked the ladders they would be using to board enemy ships. Unlit fire arrows were soaked in oil and stored away, aooden shields to protect against the enemy's arrows were affixed at regular intervals. Ballistae were installed on each ship. In total, there were about fifty ships

Pancarre: Isn't this a magnificent sight...

Admiral Pancarre murmured to himself while watching the sea

Pancarre: But they've got more than four thousand ships... I wonder how many men I can keep alive...

He chided himself for voicing his true thoughts. There was no sense in giving up early, even in the face of impossible odds.

Breweye: Admiral, we've received a message from navy headquarters

reported executive officer Breweye

Pancarre: Read it

Breweye: Yes sir!

Tonight, 8 ships from the nation of Soviet Union will arrive at Myhark as reinforcements, they request an observer to join them and witness the commencement of hostilities with the Kingdom of Louria

End message

Pancarre: What?! Only eight ships??!! Are you sure there isn't some mistake? Shouldn't it be eighty or eight hundred?

Breweye: There were no mistakes, sir

Pancarre: I appreciate all offers of support, but... they want an observer? If they only have eight ships, I'm just sending that person to die with them! They're clearly off their rocker, I can't possibly send one of my subordinates over!

There was an awkward silence

Breweye: ...then send me

Breweye stated

Pancarre: But...

Breweye: I'm the best fighter you've got, so I've got the best chance of surviving out of all your officers, but you forget, that monster of a ship was from Soviet Union, maybe they're not as crazy as you think

Pancarre: I'm sorry... I'll leave it to you

Breweye: Yes sir!

Same day, evening

Breweye could not believe his eyes, the size of the ship was completely beyond his common sense, when they had first established contact with Soviet Union, the First Navy reported a 321m ship, but he thought they were just exaggerating, but now, even though the ships were stopping offshore in the distance, he could tell that they were ridiculously huge, they didn't even have sails. A short time later, a metal-looking object with something spinning on top lifted off from atop the humongous ship.

He received notice of it beforehand, so he knew it was some kind of vehicle. When it got close, it kicked up strong winds, he boarded the unfathomable vehicle and was taken offshore. The seat was soft and there was almost no shaking as they flew through the air. It was slower than a wyvern, but far more comfortable, and it could carry a large number of people. Soon, their destination, a aircraft carriers, came into view. Seeing its size up close, Breweye's jaw dropped

Breweye: his mind This thing is gigantic! Strategically, larger ships house more crew, you can threaten more enemy ships simply because you have more crew to spare, knowing that, this monstrosity's value in combat is enormous, and that's only considering its crew size

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