Chapter 4 : Diplomatic relations between Qua-Toyne and Soviet Union

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Qua-Toyne Foreign Affairs Ministry Building

This place was a building where foreign affairs related to foreign affairs officials or ambassadors of other nations were handled, but currently, this place had a tight schedule for preliminary preparations to open a diplomatic relationship with the Soviet Union, exchanges of documents and manacoms fluttered at a frenetic pace related to obtaining personnel for the delegation group, adjusting the authority to be granted to the extraordinary ambassador or other related matters

the Cowokers: Yagou! I heard that you are going as one of the members of the mission delegation to the emerging nation called the Soviet Union! Lucky dog, I want to go there too!

Yagou was called by one of his coworkers, it was not unusual to send a diplomatic mission to another country, in this world where there are many countries, the replacement of rulers and the rise and fall of countries were an everyday occurrence for medium-sized countries, it was also common for a large country to divide into many small and medium-sized countries

in other words, this was evidence that the world situation was not stable and indeterminate, there were many lands where public order worsened when national politics was restructured, and there were places where the standard of living was even worse than the Principality of Qua-Toyne, it often happens that if an area had a lot of deaths, then the sanitation will become really bad, which could affect the delegation member

So being a member of a diplomatic mission was a job that everyone hate, the standard of living, law and order in the Qua- Toyne Principality were notably higher among remote countries, seen from the great power of the Parpaldia Empire, the closest Three Great Civilized Lands nation of the Rodenius Continent, along with the Kingdom of Topa in the north, the Kingdom of Fenn, and the Thearchy of Gahara, the Kingdom of Qua-Toyne was in the remote easternmost region, They might disparage this country as 'Barbarian Lands' but it had abundant food resources that gave rise to a culinary culture that will not lose even to the Civilized Lands

So it was understandable why they were not eager to be included as members in a diplomatic mission, However the target country where the mission is dispatched into this time was really extraordinary, Yagou had scanned the documents that had been distributed beforehand to the delegation members and it offhandedly described unbelievable information, the beginning of the trouble began on the morning of January 25, 1639 it is said that the first contact came from the sea, according to the report, the Qua-Toyne patrol fleet carry out contact with a large ship with the largest size of 321m, which has no sails and is made of unimaginable metal, there even a remainder 'Don't underestimate the unidentified country, by all means, don't be discourteous' that prudence was demanded in the current task

Yagou: How unbelievable...

Yagou pondered his thoughts, Believe it or not, it is true that the Soviet iron ship has entered the Qua-Toyne sea area, and Due to that repetitive unbelievable information, Yagou begin to have a strong interest in the country called Soviet Union

Yagou: his minds The delegation dispatched this time, perhaps my name will be chiseled into the history of Qua-Toyne Principality

the Orders: Then let's begin the meeting, Participants assembles

His thought was interrupted by the sudden order

A while laters

In the small conference room, the Chief of Diplomatic Missions began to give an explanation, the number of member for the diplomatic mission this time was five people, everyone was people who held position as a foreign affairs officials, excluding General Hanki who was temporarily transferred to Foreign Affairs Ministry from Military Affairs Ministry, the Chief began to talk

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