Chapter 13 Where Do We Go From Here?

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    Marinette has no idea where this leads her and Adrien. Sure she admits she loves him. What about his family?  How will she and him manage to remain happy?  What about his father?

       Adrien holds her hand glad he came to visit her. He was relieved she was not upset when he surprised her.  Good thing he loved her so much.  He did not come by airplane, and the flight was long. Also, it was expensive.

     The two went out for some Chinese food. It was delicious. Afterward, they ate some donuts.

    "What did your parents say when you came out here?" Marinette asked.

        Adrien looked concerned. "Well, I did not exactly tell them," He said.


   "I came without telling them because I was worried my father would try to talk me out of coming. I did leave a note." Adrien answered.

   "I see, well, that makes sense then," Marinette agreed.

   Marinette wondered as Adrien walked with her to a certain sight and stopped, where do we go from here? She did not mean when it came to direction. She pondered where their relationship would go since they had been dating for a while, but only met in person twice. Also, she wasn't sure how she would react if he asked about marriage. She wanted to marry him. She didn't want to cause any problems between him and his father.

    Adrien enjoyed this moment alone with Marinette. It was good to get away for a bit. Besides, when she left he had thought she might dump him. She had ignored him for so long that he thought maybe she had moved on to someone else. He was relieved that she had not. He was even glad that this date had worked out.  He felt they both needed it.

    Where would things go for them after this?  Well, he hoped it would only get better. Yes, he was hopeful for a future with her by his side.

    Until the next chapter,


little owlets!

Summer out!

In Love with My Online Girfriend by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now